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Research topics cover human, social and environmental sciences. They include the planning and evaluation of systems, services and policies, the study of local, regional, national and international organizations, and, in particular, the protection of health, education and training, social services, employment and professions, cultures, minorities, social habits and deviant behavior, inequalities and poverty, leisure and sport, pollution and protection of the natural environment, communications and the information society. 

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Call for Papers Thematic issue on "Measurement in STEM Education"


Nowadays, quantitative methodologies have been traditionally adopted to evaluate learning processes in a broad sense, including class interventions and large-scale surveys. However, only recently there has been an increased use of rigorous psychometric assessment of new instruments, randomized clinical trials, longitudinal designs and multivariate analyses in STEM (Science – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics) education field. This thematic issue seeks applied and methodological papers addressing challenging problems using new and established statistical methods to the field of STEM education.

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Read more about Call for Papers Thematic issue on "Measurement in STEM Education"

Current Issue

No. 1 (2024): Vol. 36, Number 1
					View No. 1 (2024): Vol. 36, Number 1

1. How student characteristics affect mobility choices at the university level: insights from two surveys in the campania region (Rondinelli, R., Policastro, V., Scolorato, C.)

2. Multivariate techniques for analyzing and presenting official statistics indicators (Kenett, R.S.)

3. Tax evasion and cash payment cap. does really exist a relationship? (Antolini, F., Cesarini, S.)

4. A comparative study on univariate outlier winsorization methods in data science context (Abuzaid, A., Alkrunz, I.)

5. Determinants of students’ attitude towards online learning in higher education during Covid-19 (del Gobbo E., Guarino, A., Cafarelli, B., Fontanella, L.)

Published: 2024-07-31
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