Joint models for time-to-event and multivariate longitudinal data: a likelihood approach
Joint Model, Multivariate Mixed Model, EM Algorithm, Joint LikelihoodAbstract
Joint models analyse the effects of longitudinal covariates on the risk of one or more events. The models are composed of two sub-models: a longitudinal model and a survival model. The longitudinal sub-model is typically a multivariate mixed model that considers fixed and random effects. The survival sub-model is usually a Cox proportional-hazards model that jointly considers the influence of more than one longitudinal covariate on the risk of the event. This study extends the estimation method based on a joint-likelihood formulation used in the univariate case to a multivariate longitudinal sub-model. The parameters are estimated by maximising the likelihood function using an expectation-maximisation algorithm. Here, the M-step employs a one-step Newton–Raphson update because it is not possible to obtain a closed-form expression for some of the parameter estimators. In addition, a Gauss–Hermite approximation is applied for some of the integrals.