Archives - Page 2
Vol. 27, Number 2
No. 2 (2015)- Summary
- Editorial (Frosini, B.V. and Taroni, F.)
- Forensic statistics: a general view (Frosini, B.V.)
- Uncertainty in forensic science: experts, probabilities and Bayes’ theorem (Taroni, F. and Biedermann, A.)
- Forensic identification then and now (Mortera, J. and Dawid, A.P.)
- Reflections on glass standards: statistical tests and legal hypotheses (Kaye, D.H.)
- The value of scientific evidence for forensic multivariate data (Bozza, S.)
Vol. 27, Number 1
No. 1 (2015)- Summary
- Editorial (Bertoli-Barsotti, L., Mesbah, M. and Punzo, A.)
- Longitudinal analysis of the health-related quality of life in oncology integrating the occurrence of the response shift effect (Anota, A., Cottone, F., Barbieri, A., Bascoul-Mollevi, C., Efficace, F. and Bonnetain, F.)
- Analysis of longitudinal patient reported outcomes data with classical test theory and Rasch-based methods: an application on health-related quality of life in breast cancer patients (Blanchin, M., Hardouin, J-B, Bonnaud-Antignac, A. and Sébille, V.)
- Longitudinal and cross-sectional modelling of health related quality of life in people with cystic fibrosis (Hurley, M.A., Abbott, J., Morton, A.M. and Conway, S.P.)
- Log-rank-type test for evolution of health related quality of life (Boisson, V., Mesbah, M. and Ying Z.)
- In remembrance of Angelo Zanella (Boari, G.)
Vol. 26, Number 2
No. 2 (2014)- Summary
- Market basket analysis for studying cultural consumer behaviour: AMTP card-holders (Coscia, C., Fontana, R., Semeraro, P.)
- Combining pls path modeling and quantile regression for the evaluation of customer satisfaction (Davino, C.)
- Growth and slowdown of TFP in Italian manufacturing before the 2008 crisis (Giusti, A., Grassini, L., Viviani, A.)
- Prototype definition through consensus analysis between fuzzy c-means and archetypal analysis (Fordellone, M., Palumbo, F.)
Vol. 26, Number 1
No. 1 (2014)- Summary
- The impact of the neutral point in the paired comparisons of statements model (Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Corradetti) (Furlan, R., Turner, G.)
- Public manager requirements of skills and training: importance rank analysis using composite indicators (Marozzi, M., Bolzan, M.)
- Network tools for the analysis of brand image (Stawinoga, A., Balbi S., Scepi, G.)
- A citizen-satisfaction survey in Rimini (Cusatelli, C., Giacalone, M., De Lorenzo, A.)
- Mathematical underpinnings of analytics. theory and applications (Paroli, R.)
Vol. 25, Number 3
No. 3 (2013)- Summary
- Editorial (Gasperoni, G., Gnaldi, M., Iacus, S.M.)
- Vote miscount or poll response bias? What causes discrepancy between polls and election results? (Dopp, K., Baiman, R.)
- Using social media to forecast electoral results: a review of the state of the art (Ceron, A., Curini, L., Iacus, S.M.)
- Polling and multi-party accuracy measures: evidence from the Italian general elections (Castro, G., Tomaselli, V.)
- The predictive ability of pre-election polls in Italy: a regional focus (Vignati, R., Gasperoni, G.)
- News coverage and candidate preferences: using media content to predict election poll movement (Cassino, D., Kolmer, C.)
- Estimating representatives from election poll proportions: the Spanish case (Pavia, J.M., Garcia-Carceles, B., Badal, E.)
Vol. 25, Number 2
No. 2 (2013)- Summary
- Editorial (Gasperoni, G., Gnaldi, M., Iacus, S.M.)
- Evolving approaches to election forecasting (Evans, J.)
- Accuracy and bias in European prediction markets (Sveinung, A., Strijbis, O.)
- Assessing correct voting: a study based on a simulation of municipal elections in Italy (Gasperoni, G., Mantovani, D.)
- Forecasting elections with high volatility (Alaminos, A.F.)
- Election forecasting: a roundtable discussion (Mannheimer, R., Pessato, M., Gasperoni, G., Iacus, S.M.)
Vol. 25, Number 1
No. 1 (2013)- Summary
- Editorial
- Do clusters still matter for innovation? The case of the Lombardy meta-districts (Bartoloni, E.)
- The italian political and pre-election polls over time: a data quality analysis (Quintano, C., Rocca, A., Carfora, A.)
- An application of graphical models to the innobarometer survey: a map of firms’ innovative behaviour (Carota, C., Durio, A.,Guerzoni, M.)
- A rank-based permutation test for equivalence and non-inferiority (Arboretti, R., Carrozzo, E., Caughey, D.) SSD for R: an R package for analyzing single-subject data (Durio, A.)
Vol. 24, Number 3
No. 3 (2012)- Summary
- Editorial
- Demographic structure and spatially contiguous areas in Tuscany (Benassi, F., Naccarato, A.)
- Churn prediction in telecommunications industry. A study based on bagging classifiers (Canale, A., Lunardon, N.)
- How the science of geo-marketing helps strategic decision-making in a context of information redundancy (Di Nisio, R., Di Battista, T.)
- Public geomarketing: georeferencing IRT models to support public decision (Di Zio, S., Fontanella, L.)
- A comparison between the geostatistical potential model and the discrete choice logit models in the estimation of spatial market potentials (Finazzi, F.)
- The impact of the economic crisis for Italian exporting sectors: a spatial-statistics analysis (Boselli, C., Truglia, F. G., Zeli, A.)
Vol. 24, Number 2
No. 2 (2012)- Summary
- Editorial(Coccia, G., O’Muircheartaigh, C. Righi, A.)
- Well-being and quality of life in Italy: assessing and selecting indicators for local policy making (Biggeri, L., Laureti, T., Secondi, L.)
- Happiness and the relational dimension of well-being (Righi, A.)
- Domestic material consumption indicator and natural resources: a European analysis of the environmental Kuznets curve (Auci, S., Vignani, D.)
- Decomposing employment change in a crisis period in Italy: a multifactor partitioning approach (Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S.)
- Quantifying the underground economy: measurement and productivity (Mantegazza, S., Pisani, S., Viviani, A.)
- The effect of ownership structure on the relationship between r&d intensity and cash flow (Bini, M., Nascia, L., Zeli, A.)
Vol. 24, Number 1
No. 1 (2012)- Summary
- Editorial (Bini M., Fienberg S.E., Righi A.)
- Spatial models in small area estimation in the context of official Statistics (Petrucci, A., Pratesi, M.)
- Generalised linear models with variables subject to post randomisation method (Woo, Y.M.J., Slavkovic, A.)
- The use of multi-channel data collection techniques in the 9th industry and services census: the response of the territory (Berntsen, E., De Francesco, D.)
- Treatment of total nonresponse via sequential weight adjustment in the Italian disability survey (De Vitiis, C., Inglese, F., Terribili, M.D., Cocchi, D.)
- Increasing the accuracy of it-silc estimates through the use of auxiliary information from labour force survey (Ceccarelli, C., Guandalini, A.)
Vol. 23, Number 3
No. 3 (2011)- Summary
- Editorial
- The Paadel panel: a probability-based panel for consumer studies (A. Bianchi and S. Biffignandi) Industry profiles and economic performances: a firm-data-based study for Italian industries (M. Bini, L. Nascia and A. Zeli)
- Trade satisfaction analysis: an integrated approach (F. Cugnata)
- A measure of job satisfaction by means of fuzzy set theory (F. De Battisti, D. Marasini and G. Nicolini)
- Adjusting for online participating bias through propensity scoring (R. Furlan and R. Corradetti)
- Paired comparisons of statements: exploring the impact of design elements on results (R. Furlan and G. Turner)
- A new tool for measuring customer satisfaction: the anchoring vignette approach (O. Paccagnella)
- A test to assess the dynamic evolution of preferences in marketing surveys (A. Pollastri and F. Porro)
Vol. 23, Number 2
No. 2 (2011)- Summary
- Voting behaviour in municipal elections in Italy: a quantitative analysis based on ecological inference (M. Gnaldi, B. Bracalente and A. Forcina)
- Multilevel models in meta-analysis of pre-election poll accuracy measures (R. D'Agata and V. Tomaselli)
- Children of immigrants in the Italian school system: what kind of assimilation? (A. Minello and G. Dalla Zuanna)
- A cross-country analysis of gender pay gap and segregation (C. Quintano, R. Castellano and A. Rocca)
- Mystery shopping and bayesian networks to evaluate customer satisfaction in jewellery stores (D. D’Ambrosio, A. Piscitelli, and G. Ragozini)
- Robust weighted composite indicators by means of frontier methods with an application to European infrastructure endowment (F. Vidoli and C. Mazziotta)
- A hierarchical Bayes model to estimate physicians’ prescription preferences in allocation-based conjoint (R. Furlan and R. Corradetti)
Vol. 23, Number 1
No. 1 (2011)- Summary
- Editorial - Measures and models of higher education effectiveness (L. Fabbris and G. Boccuzzo)
- Dimensions of graduates' job satisfaction in the short and medium terms (L. Fabbris and M.C. Martini)
- University outcomes and employability: Is a harmonisation feasible? (F. Crippa and M. Civardi)
- Contextual factors of the external effectiveness of the university education: A multilevel approach (M. Bini, L. Grilli and C. Rampichini)
- Psycho-social coordinates of graduates' job satisfaction (L. Fabbris, R. Maeran R. and L. Ronconi)
- Italian PhD programme system: Evaluating external effectiveness by structural equation models (M. Bini, B. Bertaccini and L. Masserini)
- Measuring dissimilarity in learning capital using time trajectories (P. Mariani, M. Mussini and E. Zavarrone)
- Internship effectiveness evaluation by students and firms: A year of experience at the faculty of economics in Modena (M. Lalla, T. Bursi and A. Maccagnan)
- Academic reputation: A proposal for a new scale (E. Zavarrone)
Vol. 22, Number 3
No. 3 (2010)- Summary
- Editorial - Statistical issues on quality and process control in Italy. An overview and some special topics (A. Zanella and G. Vicario)
- Constructs and methods of statistical quality control. The role of the Italian Statistical Society (A. Zanella and G. Vicario)
- Measuring process capability under non classical assumptions: A purposive review of the relevant literature (Borroni C.G., Cazzaro M. and Chiodini P.M.)
- Choices about probability distributions and systemic-financial risk (Contini A.)
- Form tolerance verification using the Kriging method (Vicario G., Ruffa S., Panciani G.D. and Ricci F.)
- Factors affecting measurement uncertainty in industrial CMM work (Aggogeri F., Barbato G., Barini E.M., Genta G. and Levi R.)
- Roller bench urban cycles identification for light commercial vehicles fuel consumption (Borgarello L., Galliera E., Avanzo A. and Fagiano A.)
- Agricultural multi-functional vehicles and the environment: Choice experiments and random utility models for investigating renewable energies (Berni R. and Lombardi G.)
Vol. 22, Number 2
No. 2 (2010)- Summary
- Do Italian students perform worse than their OECD fellows? A decomposition analysis of educational gaps (R. Castellano, S. Longobardi and G. Punzo)
- Longitudinal data for the analysis of Italian labour market flows (B. Boschetto, A.R. Discenza, C. Lucarelli, S. Rosati and F. Fiori)
- On avoiding paradoxes in assessing inter-rater agreement (R. Falotico and P. Quatto)
- On the similarity of methods for ranking alternatives and making transitive the index numbers (E. Mattioli and G. Ricciardo Lamonica)
- The decomposition of the Atkinson-Plotnick-Kakwani re-ranking measure (M.G. Monti, A. Vernizzi and M. Mussini)
- A data envelopment analysis of Italian courts efficiency (E. Nissi and A. Rapposelli)
- Maximum likelihood estimate of Marshall-Olkin copula parameter: Complete and censored sample (S.A. Osmetti)
Vol. 22, Number 1
No. 1 (2010)- Summary
- Introduction to the Special Issue "Advances in textual data analysis and text mining" (Bolasco S., Iezzi D.F.)
- Introduction to the automatic analysis of textual data via a case study (Bolasco S.)
- The new basic vocabulary of Italian: Problems and methods (Chiari I., De Mauro T.)
- Validation techniques for textual data analysis (Lebart L.)
- Beyond the curse of multidimensionality: High dimensional clustering in text mining (Balbi S.)
- A new method for adapting the k-means algorithm to text mining (Iezzi D.F.)
- What to put in the bag? Comparing and contrasting procedures for text clustering (Tuzzi A.)
Vol. 21, Number 3-4
No. 3-4 (2009)- Measures of Quality of Life among University Students (Sulis I., Tedesco N.)
- Clusterwise PLS-PATH Modelling for Customer Loyalty Analysis in Heterogeneous Markets: a Case Study on the Customers of a Superstore (Chirico P., Lo Presti A.)
- String Analysis for Interaction Detection (Figini S., Giudici P.)
- A Comparison between Lorenz L(p) Curve and Zenga I(p) Curve (Polisicchio M., Porro F.)
- Mining Massive Data Sets from the Web (Scarpa B.)
- A General Quantile-based Estimation Method with Application to the Normal Distribution of Order p (Frosini B.V.)
- A Procedure to Find Exact Critical Values of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test (Facchinetti S.)
- Interval Estimation for the Means of Binomial, Negative Binomial and Takacs Distributions (Arefi M., Mohtashami Borzadaran G.R., Vaghei Y.)
Vol. 21, Number 2
No. 2 (2009)- Comparison between donor imputation and model based weighting in presence of non-response and risk of model misspecification (Gismondi R.)
- Building a spatio-temporal environmental quality index: the case of Madrid (Montero J.M., Larraz B., Chasco C.)
- Measurement of cultural tourism motivations in world heritage cities: An analysis using FIMIX-PLS algorithm (Vargas Vargas M., Mondéjar Jiménez J., Meseguer Santamaría M.L., Alfaro Navarro J.L.)
- An intercultural approach to the hidden paradigms of culture. The elaboration of a model of socio-cultural analysis applied to the context of the Valle d'Aosta region (Onorati M.G., D'Ovidio F.D.)
- New statistics for new data: A proposal for comparing multivalued numerical data (Verde R., Irpino A.)
- Assessing individual treatment effectiveness in the presence of structurally missing measurement occasions (Solaro N., Vittadini G.)
Vol. 21, Number 1
No. 1 (2009)- A comparison between k-means and support vector clustering of categorical data (Marino M., Tortora C.) A note on bayesian score tests for heteroscedasticity (Carota C.) A new approach to conjoint analysis to estimate more than one response function (in italian) (De Luca A.) Portfolio selection models with interval data (Gioia F.) Structural factors of the non-standard jobs utilisation in Italy: A multidimensional survey on enterprises (in italian) (Piscitelli A., Corbisiero F.)
Vol. 20, Number 3-4
No. 3-4 (2008)- Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques to Detect Early Warnings of Elderly Frailty (Corbellini A., Riani M., Donatini A.)
- Quantile Regression for the Evaluation of Student Satisfaction (Davino C., Vistocco D.)
- Some Remarks on Nonlinear Relationships in PLS Path Modeling (Ingrassia S., Trinchera L.)
- A Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) Approach Based on Evolutionary Association Patterns (Iodice D’Enza A., Palumbo F.)
- Conjoint Analysis Based Methodologies for the Ex-Ante Evaluation of Regulatory Impact (Lauro C., Scepi G. and Giordano G.)
- Modelling Longitudinal Sequences by Optimal Scaling Techniques (Lovaglio PG., Mezzanzanica M.)
- Balanced Scorecard Health System: a Latent Variable Approach Balanced (Lovaglio PG., Vittadini G.)
- An Alternating Least Square Approach for the Estimation of a SEM Based on Ordinal Variables (Nappo D., Grassia M.G.)
- Using Categorical Variables in PLS Path Modeling to Build System of Composite Indicators (Trinchera L., Russolillo G., Lauro N.C.)
- Measuring Customer Satisfaction Using Ordinal Variables: an Application in a Survey on a Contact Center (Zani S., Berzieri L.)
Vol. 20, Number 2
No. 2 (2008)- Social Cohesion: Measurement Based on the EVS Micro Data (Dickes P., Valentova M., Borsenberger M.)
- The use of correspondence analysis to study daily tourism flows (Fontana R.)
- Zoning Systems of the Italian Territory for the Study of Rural Development (Giusti A., Grassini L.)
- Selecting Feeling Covariates in Rating Surveys (Iannario M.)
- The External Effectiveness of the University Education: a Multilevel Mixture Factor Model (Varriale R.)
Vol. 20, Number 1
No. 1 (2008)- Parallel Networks for Compositional Longitudinal Data (M. Aria)
- Kemeny’s Axiomatic Approach to Find Consensus Ranking in Tourist Satisfaction (A. D’Ambrosio, V.A. Tutore)
- A Latent Varable Based Model for the Impact Evaluation of the Enlargement of the European Union (N.C. Lauro, G. Scepi)
- Hierarchical Clustering of Histogram Data Sing a “Model Data” Based Approach (M. Marino, S. Signoriello)
- Methods of Quantification for the Qualitative Variables in the PLS-PM (in italian) (D. Nappo, M.G. Grassia)
Vol. 19, Number 3
No. 3 (2007)- A New Approach to the Measure of Concentration: ABC (Area, Barycentre and Concentration) (G. De Santis)
- Comparison among Sample Selection Strategies: Theoretical Evaluations and an Application to the Monthly Retail Trade Survey Data (R. Gismondi, A. R. Giorgi, T. Pichiorri)
- Definition of Payement Systems for Home Care (in italian) (P. G. Lovaglio , G. Scaccabarozzi)
- Composite Indicators for Finance (M. Marozzi, L. Santamaria)
Vol. 19, Number 2
No. 2 (2007)- Estimate of the Provinces Irregular Work Rate: Strategy for Translating Factorial and Discriminant Models from Regions to Provinces (in italian) (Camiz S., Mondauto L.)
- Correcting Bias in Sample Size Estimation (De Martini D.)
- The Geographical Distribution of the Consumption Expenditure in Ecuador: Estimation and Mapping of the Regression Quantiles (Geraci M., Salvati N.)
- CPCA-Based Algoritm For Ultrametric Constraints Comparison from Clustering Criteria (Scippacercola S.)
Vol. 19, Number 1
No. 1 (2007)- Mobility of Graduates for Job Reasons (in italian) (Bacci S., Chiandotto B.)
- A Modified Conjoint Analysis in Order to Evaluate the Teaching Supply of a Degree Course (in italian) (Berni R.)
- Intersection and Union of Confidence Intervals in the Normal Case (Frosini B.V.)
- High School Dropouts: the Impact of Sector Type (in italian) (Lovaglio P.G., Ronzoni G.)