Archives - Page 5
Vol. 6, Number 3
No. 3 (1994)- Confidentiality within Computer Databases (Duncan G. T., Mukhrejee S.)
- Public Statistical Information Systems: Definition Aspects and Architectural Issues (Bellini P., Campostrini S., Balestrino R., Masselli M.)
- A Knowledge Approach to Statistical Information Systems (D'Angiolini G.)
- Statistical Information Systems for Dissemination of Data: Present Situation and Future Prospects (Crivelli P.)
- Dissemination of Official Labour Market Statistics in the United Kingdom (Fenwick G.)
- Dissemination Directions in Statistics Canada (Podehi M.)
- Variable Selection in the Researcher System OEPP and Governmental Use (Onishi H.)
- Some Techniques to Control Disclosure Risk (Borra S., Crescenzi F.)
- Knowledge Reduction and Integration in Probabilistic Expert Systems (Geng Z., Asano C., Ichimura M., Kimura H., Guo J., Gong M.)
- Integrating Sources of Statistical Information: a Case Study (D'Angiolini G., Garofalo G.)
Vol. 6, Number 2
No. 2 (1994)- Some Scenario Analyses for HIV Epidemic (Rossi C., Abundo M.)
- A New Representation Method of Asymmetric Proximities (Costanzo G. D.) - in Italian
- Samplig Dependent Spatial Units: a Combinatorial Optimization Approach (Benedetti R., Palma D.) - in Italian
- Parameter Design for the Production of Unleaded Petrol (Giovagnoli A., Merola G.)
- Direct and Reverse Regression: Problems of Calibration and Legal Applications (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
Vol. 6, Number 1
No. 1 (1994)- The Industrial Production Cycle in Some OECD Countries (Barangona R., Carlucci F.) - in Italian
- Mathematical Models for Biomedical Applications. Before Use, Please, Read Carefully Instructions (Rossi C.) - in Italian
- Remarks on: Mathematical Models for Biomedical Applications. Before Use, Please, Read Carefully Instructions (Carla Rossi) (Capasso V.) - in Italian
- Status and Usefulness of Models (Scalia Tomba G.) - in Italian
- Mathematical Models on HIV Diffusion (Musicco A.) - in Italian
- Empirical Models for and Predictability of AIDS (Verdecchia A.) - in Italian
- Mathematical Models and Predictions of HIV Epidemic: Evidence-Based Analysis and Uncertainty Measurement (Arcà M.) - in Italian
- Issues and Methods for AIDS Latency Time Estimation (Mariotto A. B.) - in Italian
- Final Comments (Rossi C.) - in Italian
- METWAY: a Computer Programme for Two-Way Stratification with Fixed Sample Size (Rinaldelli C.) - in Italian
Vol. 5, Number 4
No. 4 (1993)- A Second Bibliography on the Teaching of Statistics in the Biological, Medical and Health Sciences (Kurshid A., Sahai H.)
- ISTAT Surveys on University Populations: Critical Issues and Definitions (Romano M. F.) - in Italian
- STATREE: an Expert System to Choose the Statistical Method for Data Analysis Through a PC (Capiluppi C., Fabbris L., Giancotti G., Meneghello A. M.) - in Italian
- A Unifield Framework for Conditional Binomial Models: the Beta-Binomial Altham's and the Markov-Like Susceptibility Models (Correa M. L., Braga M., Marubini E.)
Vol. 5, Number 3
No. 3 (1993)- Some Methods to generate Bidimensional Stochastic Processes (Benedetti R., Espa G.) - in Italian
- A Semi-Parametric Bootstrap Method (Gambini A.) - in Italian
- Sequential Tests for the Scale Parameter of the 4-Parameter Generalized Gamma Distribution (Iuculano G., Catelani M., Zanobi A.)
- A Second Bibliography on Estimation and Testing Procedures for Non-Normal Samples (Khurshid A., Sahai H.)
- Expected Value of the Reciprocal of a Random Variable (Duca G.) - in Italian
Vol. 5, Number 2
No. 2 (1993)- Optimization Issues in Wald's Sequential Test (the Binomial Case) (Gambini A.) - in Italian
- Empirical Performances of Some Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Weibull and Type 1 Extreme Value Distributions (Alpini R., Fattorini L.)
- Optimized Ratio-of-Uniforms Method for Generating Exponential Power Variates (Barabesi L.)
- Fuzzy Analysis of Social Emergency in Sicilian Communes (Andolina P.) - in Italian
- More on Definition and Computation of p-Value (Bertolino F.) - in Italian
- Conditions for Bootstrapping to be Preferred to Minimum Variance Unbiased-Estimation (Fassò A.) - in Italian
Vol. 5, Number 1
No. 1 (1993)- Fitting Response Curves for Timing Follow-Ups in Mail Surveys (D'Agostini A., Fabbris L.)
- A Proposal for Choosing Variables in a Fuzzy Similarity Analysis (Andolina P.) - in Italian
- Acquired Resistence in Tumor Cell Population. Simulation and Parameter Estimation (Schinaia G., Rossi C., Pesce M., Rubiu O., Gentile F. P., Benassi M.)
- Sample Size Computation in Survival Studies (Bonacina N., Mariani L., Marubini E.) - in Italian
- STATLIB archive: a New Access for Europe (Galmacci G.) - in Italian
- Urn Model and Probability Axioms (De Cristofaro R.) - in Italian
Vol. 4, Number 4
No. 4 (1992)- Standard Linear Multidimensional Techniques in Estimating Subsystem Structural Parameters (Leoni R., Gallo G. M.)
- Simultaneous Components Analysis (Ten Berge J. M. F., Kiers H. A. L., Van der Stel V.)
- Multiplicative Models for Genotype-Environment Interaction in Plant Breeding (Van Eeuwijk F. A.)
- The Methodological Inpact of Non Linear Analysis (Coppi R., Di Ciaccio A.)
- Knot Fuzzy Selection in Fuzzy Non Linear Multivariate Analysis (Van Rijckevorsel J. L. A., De Leeuw J.)
- Stepwise Variable Selection in Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (Pynnonen S.)
- Non Simmetrical Correspondence Analysis: a Non Linear Approach (Verde R.)
- Three Approaches to Study the Departure from Quasi-Independence (Van der Heijden P. G. M.)
- Reduced-Rank Models for Dependence Analysis of Contingency Tables (Siciliano R.)
- Diagnostic for Multiple Contingency Tables (Andersen E. B.)
- Non Symmetrical Exploratory Data Analysis (D'Ambra L., Lauro N. C.)
- Redundancy Analysis for Various Type of Variables (Israels A. Z.)
- On Stability in Non Symmetrical Correspondance Analysis Using Bootstrap (Balbi S.)
- On the Omogeneity Criterion for Determinig Whether Categories of Categorical Variables Could Be Combined (Castiglioni M., Della Zuanna G.)
- An Application of Non Linear Redundancy Analysis (Van der Burg E., Dijksterhuis G.)
- Multidimensional Scaling in Regression (Ter Braak C. J. F.)
- Multidimensional Scaling and Correspondence Analysis for Square Tables (Bove G.)
- Simultaneous Clustering of Qualitative and Quantitative Data with Missing Observations (Di Ciaccio A.)
- Interpretation of Stress in Non Metric Multidimensional Scaling (Cox M. A. A., Cox T. F.)
- Three-Mode Component Models. A Survey of Literature (Kroonenberg P. M.)
- Relations between Sets of Variates of a Tree-Way Data Set (Rizzi A., Vichi M.)
- Special Vec for a Diagonal Form of a Group of Matrices (Amato V.)
- Tuckals Core Rotations and Constrained Truckals Modelling (Kiers H. A. L.)
- Three-Factor Interaction Models by Long-Trilinear Terms in Three-Way Contingency Tables (Mooijart A.)
- Some Observations on Similarity and Lack of Duality in Interstructure-Compromise-Intrastructure Analysis (Pastore A.)
- Scalar Product and Synthesis of S-Matrices (Rocci R.)
- On The Space-Time Interaction Modles to Analyse Environmental Systems in Data and Frequencies Domains (Coli M.)
- Analysis of Longitudinal Time-Dependent Data in Behavioral Science: Dutch Contributions (Oud J. H. L., Bijleveld C. J. H.)
- Multivariate Intervention Analysis (Aczel A. D.)
- Predictable Linear Combinations from Categorical Time Series (Van Buuren S.)
- Algorithms for the Estimation of Flows in Spatial Interaction Models: a Comparison to Check Isomorphism (Scimone A.)
- Analyzing Categorical Longitudinal Data Using Marginal Homogeneity Models (Hagenaars J. A.)
Vol. 4, Number 3
No. 3 (1992)- Parametric Hypothesis Testing through a Multi-Poisson-Bernoulli Model (Ferrari P.) - in Italian
- Binary Decision Trees Approach to Classification: a Review of CART and Other Methods with Some Applications to Real Data (Pallara A.)
- Analysis of Contigency Tables with Dependent Data (Mariani L., Petraccione A., Marubini E.) - in Italian
- A Survey of Econometric Tests (Bodo G., Parigi G., Sciamplicotti L., Siviero S.) - in Italian
- A Single General Formula for The Exact Partitioning of Chi-Square Value in a r x c Contingency Table (Ridomi A.) - in Italian
Vol. 4, Number 2
No. 2 (1992)- Critical Review of Ridge Regression (Moller F., Zanolla L.) - in Italian
- Maximum Likelihood and Lp Normal Estimators (Agrò G.)
- MathematicaTM: an Environment for Developing Statistics (Matrone L.) - in Italian
- Issues on Life Trials for Exponential Failure Times and II Type Censored Samples (Caroti Ghelli F.) - in Italian
- Size and Power of Follow-Up Studies (Duca P.) - in Italian
Vol. 4, Number 1
No. 1 (1992)- Convergence to Normality of a Studentized Ratio (Milito A. M.) - in Italian
- On Tale with a Moral, Or How to Reject the Use of Reliable Information (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
- Comments on a Reader's Letter (Cifarelli D. M.) - in Italian
- The Use of Counter Factual Exaples in Foundation's Debate (Piccinato L.) - in Italian
- What Do These Counter Factual Exaples Show? (Di Bacco M.) - in Italian
- Who Has Said that We Are Bound to Decide? Orthodoxy and Reform in Statistical Inference Foundations (Costantini D.) - in Italian
- Reflecting on a Meeting on Statistical Inference (Pesarin F.) - in Italian
- A discussion Issue (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
- The ISTAT's Database System (Gaggiotti M.) - in Italian
Vol. 3, Number 4
No. 4 (1991)- On a Problematic Research on Accidents in a Productive Environment (Ferreri C.) - in Italian
- On Some Preference Criteria in Statistical Quality Control (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
- The Energetic Content of a Windmill: Models and Inferential Methods (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
- On Sequential Sample Designs with Unilateral Protection in Statistical Testing (Iacobini A.) - in Italian
- Multivariate Extension of the Equation-Error Control Model (Boari G.) - in Italian
- System Identification and Rupture Diagnostic: a Case Study (Fassò A.)
- Tool Subsitution Policy in a Controlled Production Environment (Galante G.,Lombardo A.) - in Italian
- Surveillance Limits and Efficiency of Control Charts by Variables (Guseo R., Panizzon G.) - in Italian
- Bayesian Estimation of the Outgoing Quality Distribution through Poisson Acceptance Sampling (Pistone G., Rogatin M. P.) - in Italian
- Non-Recursive Smoothing for Barlow-Ivory Control Chart Additive Model: An Algorithm and a Simulation (Repetto I., Simicich P.) - in Italian
- Design Reliability (Vicario G.) - in Italian
- Reliable Management of a FMS: Bayesian Estimates with Censored Small Samples (Erto P., Lanzotti A.) - in Italian
- Statistical Methods for Filtering Estimates of Rains with Weather Radars (Iuculano G., Catelani M.) - in Italian
- On the Relation between Wald's Sequential Tests and the Cusum Control Charts for Sample Means: Correcting a Wrong Interpretation (Zanella A.)
- Statistical Inference for Survival Analysis under Censoring and Truncation (Ahmad R., Bell C. B.)
- The Reliability of a Linear System and Its Connection with the Generalized Birthday Problem (Kounias S., Sfakianakis M.)
- Techniques for Estimating Cost Savings Obtainable by Using a Different Supplier of Telephone Services (Peterson M. M.)
- On Some Applications of Conditionality Principle (Frosini B. V.)
- Some Multidimensional Testing Problems with Missing Value by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
- Semiparametric Combinations of Dependent Tests Using Latin Hypercube Resampling (Pallini A.)
- A New Bayesian Sequential Procedure: Application to a Composite Hypothesis Testing for a Normal Mean (Ongaro A.) - in Italian
- On the Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters of the Beta-Binomial Family (Bertoli Barsotti L., Paroli R.)
- Approximate Median Unbiased Estimators for the Weibull Distribution (Pace L., Salvan A.)
- Cramér-von Mises Minimum Variance Estimators for Censored Data (Masarotto G.) - in Italian
- Guseo R. D-Optimality and Multivariate Linear Regression, the Homoscedastic Case (Guseo R.)
- A Comparison of Identifiability Conditions for Multivariate Linear Models in Armax and State Space Representations (Deldossi L.)
- A Statistical Analysis of the Italian Stock Market (Zappa D.)
Vol. 3, Number 3
No. 3 (1991)- A Markovian Model to Fit a Buffer Managed with Priority Rules (Agliari A., Diligenti M., Zavanella L.) - in Italian
- Evaluation of the SET Method for the Statistical-Epidemiological Surveillance of Rare Health Events (Marchi M., Rossi G.) - in Italian
- Non-Parametric Bootstrapping and Error Distribution in Econometric Models (Monti A. C) - in Italian
- ERICA: a Computer Programme for Computing Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors in Surveys with Post-Enumeration Interview and Interpenetration of Interviewer Assignments (Dulli S., Fabbris L., Me A.) - in Italian
- Co-Graduation Tables for Computing the Concentration Index Z(p) (Zenga M.) - in Italian
- The Geometric Interpretation of the Correlation Ratio (Leoni R.)
Vol. 3, Number 2
No. 2 (1991)- Predictive Inference and Statistical Thermodynamics (Garibaldi U., Penco M. A.) - in Italian
- Growth Models of Mytilus Galloprovincialis Lamark on the Mar Grande and on the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy) (Posa D., Tursi A.)
- Three-Index Matrices and Their Synthetic Reperesentation (Pieri L., Vichi M.) - in Italian
- Functional Testing the Independence Hypothesis between Two Variables (Taroni G.) - in Italian
- Path Analysis in Interdependent Models (Gallo G. M.) - in Italian
- Where Do Our Words Come From? (Prisco R.) - in Italian
Vol. 3, Number 1
No. 1 (1991)- Posteriors Indicators for the Evaluation of Residual Lots in Statistical Control by Attributes (Zanella A., Maggi A.) - in Italian
- Choice of Regression Model in Fitting the Frequency of Early Graft Occlusion after Coronary Bypass: Critical Considerations (Braga M., Petroccione A., Montoro C., Marubini E.)
- The Statistical Database Market in Italy (Lauro N. C., Quintano C., Scippacercola S., Verde R.) - in Italian
- On Applicability Conditions of the Central Limit Theorem for Finite Populations (Gambini A.) - in Italian
- Is There a Physical Limit to a Cell Life? Reliability of Repair Mechanism and Cell Survival (Rossi C.) - in Italian
Vol. 2, Number 4
No. 4 (1990)- A Pratical Application of the Patel-Kenward Analysis of Covariance to Data from Antidepressant Trial with Drop-Outs (Heyting A., Essers J. G. A., Tolboom J. T. B. M.)
- Case-Finding Strategies for Studying Rare Chronic Diseases (Anderson D. W., Kalton G.)
- Theory and Application of Attribute Risk Estimation in Cross-Sectional Studies (Gefeller O.)
- Statistical Methods in the Construction of Pharmacological Reference Ranges and Their Use in the Identification of Adverse Drug Reactions (Lawrence C. J., Trewin V. F.)
- Analyzing Laboratory Data as Safety Data in Clinical Trials (Kriastiansen S.)
- Scenario Analysis in Pubblic Health and Competing Risks (Vrieze O. J., Kuipers J., Boas G.)
- Multidimensional Testing for Mixed Variables by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
Vol. 2, Number 3
No. 3 (1990)- Statistical Methods for Warranty Testing of Apparatuses (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
- Location Point Search of Two Regression Functions to Detect the Flexion of Cardiac Frequency with Variable Speed (Calderoni G., Rogantin M. P., Piastra G.) - in Italian
- Bayesian Decomposition of Finite Mixtures: a Comparison of Different Algorithms (Peruzzi F., Rossi C.)
- A New Consistent Estimator of the Differentiation Level of an ARIMA Process and the Identification of Non-Stationary Condition (Boari G.) - in Italian
- The Partial Regression Matrix (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
- Asymptotic Distribution of Eigenvalues and Statistical Tests in non Symmetric Correspondence Analysis (Siciliano R.)
Vol. 2, Number 2
No. 2 (1990)- A Stochastic Approach to Study the Natural History of Cirrhosis (Morabito A., Valsecchi M. G., D'Amico G.)
- Data Clustering for Bayesian Sequential Testing (Caroti-Ghelli F.) - in Italian
- A partition Type Method for Clustering Mixed Data (Chiodi M.)
- Indirect Estimation of Economic Series with Accounting Constraints (Di Fonzo T.) - in Italian
- On the Concept of Efficiency in Multi-Parametric Analysis (Leoni R.) - in Italian
Vol. 2, Number 1
No. 1 (1990)- Duration Data Analysis in Social Sciences: Methodology and an Application to Unemployment Duration Data (Torelli N.) - in Italian
- Estimation of Parameters for Triallel Crosses Compared in Bolck Designs (Ceranka B., Chudzik H., Dobek A., Kielczewska H.)
- Missing Information and Confounding in Retrospective Studies: Statistical Methods and an Example of Data Analysis (Ciampi A., Franceschi S., Franchin G., Thiffault J., Crivellari D., Tumulo S., Bassignano G.)
- On the Maximum Likelihood and Least-Squares Estimation in the Inverse Weibull Distribution (Calabria R., Pulcini B.)
- Best Linear Unbiased Estimators for the Parameters of the Logistic Distribution Using Order Statistics (Barabesi L.)
Vol. 1, Number 4
No. 4 (1989)- The Role of Probability Theory in Artificial Intelligence Models of Diagnostic Reasoning (Giani U.)
- Stochastic Networks and Artificial Intelligence (Berzuini C.) - in Italian
- Expert Systems: a Supporting Tool for Statisticians (Falcitelli G., Ricci F. L.) - in Italian
- Comparison between Concentration Curves Z(p) and L(p) in Dagum's Models (Dancelli L.) - in Italian
- Where Should We Start from While Teaching Statistics? (Corradi F., Lombardo E.) - in Italian
Vol. 1, Number 3
No. 3 (1989)- On the Existence of Distributions of maximum Entropy with Assigned Moments (Tagliani A.)
- On the Concentrative Regression Method (Grassini L.)
- Pseudo-linear estimation of multivariate ARMA models (Grillenzoni C.) - in Italian
- Estimation of brood female rabbits as inferable from the Third Agriculture Census (Moller F., Grazzani R.) - in Italian
- Survey on labour forces: Evaluation of Umbria sample design (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
- The BMPDC for biomedical data analysis (Gallo C.) - in Italian
Vol. 1, Number 2
No. 2 (1989)- Genesis, Properties and Identification of an Inverse Weibull Survival Model (Erto P.) - in Italian
- Productive Capacity of Italian Industry and Its Use in Early Eighties: Testing a New Utilization Method (Signorini F. L.) - in Italian
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Stochastic Function for Censored Data (Colombi R.) - in Italian
- A Conditional Simulation for the Point Space Process Analysis (Maniero A.) - in Italian
- Teaching Statistics in Italy: Problems and Prospectives (Zuliani A.)
- Statistics and Probability in Textbooks for Junior High Schools in France and Italy (Fabbris L.)
Vol. 1, Number 1
No. 1 (1989)- Exploratory Methods and Modelling for Contingency Tables Analysis: an Integrated Approach (Lauro N. C., Siciliano R.) Grouping Multinomial Object According to Minimal within-Group Variability (Siatkowski I., Krajewski P.) The Estimation of DNA in Cancerous Tissues: Comparison of Two Methods (Belcastro A., Costantini D., Drago E., Nicolò G.) - in Italian GAUSS: a Privileged Language for Statistical Analysis (Piccolo D.) - in Italian An Application of GAUSS Computer Language for Estimating Distributed-Lag Models (Monti A. C.) - in Italian Is It Appropriate to Teach That the Variance of a Proportion is p(1-p)/n? (Duca P.) - in Italian
Vol. 21, Number 4
No. 4 (1988)- A Note on the "Best" Estimator of Within Stratum Variability (Giaimo R., Milito A.M.) - in Italian
- A New Distribution of Extreme Values to Control the Phlegrean Bradyseism: an Application to the "Hot" Period from October 1983 to March 1984 (Erto P.) - in Italian
- A Parallel "Reliability Model with Variable Stress (on the Surviving Component) (Chiesa S.) - in Italian
- Sample Size for Repeated Measures Design in Controlled Clinical Trials (Cesana B.M.)
- Application of Bayesian Classification ti Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in an Epidemiologic Survey Carried out in Pantelleria Island (Rossi C.) - in Italian
- Square Concordance Tables in Health Data Analysis (Bellini P., Lovison G.)
- Dictionary Systems of Statistical Data (Vinciguerra F.) - in Italian
- The Joint Distribution of Sample Mean and Variance if the Distribution is Normal: an Alternative Proof Based on Induction (Pace L.) - in Italian
Vol. 21, Number 3
No. 3 (1988)- Robust Methods in Discriminant Analysis (Krusinska E.)
- Three-Dimensional Spatial Data Analysis for Irregularly Locations: an Application to Salinity Measures Made in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Posa D.)
- Sampling Designs for Acceptance Optimum with Respect to Joint Filter and Incentive Effects (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
- On the Possibility that a Reliability Model with "Stand-By" can be Assimilated to a "Parallel" Model (Chiesa S.) - in Italian
- Estimating the Income Shares of a Grouped Frequency Distribution of Incomes (Tarsitano A.)
- Misclassifications and Biases in Surveys (Romano M.F., Marchi M.) - in Italian
- Considerations on a Staging Process for Chronic Diseases (Serio G., Morabito A.)