Archives - Page 5

  • Vol. 6, Number 3
    No. 3 (1994)

    1. Confidentiality within Computer Databases (Duncan G. T., Mukhrejee S.)
    2. Public Statistical Information Systems: Definition Aspects and Architectural Issues (Bellini P., Campostrini S., Balestrino R., Masselli M.)
    3. A Knowledge Approach to Statistical Information Systems (D'Angiolini G.)
    4. Statistical Information Systems for Dissemination of Data: Present Situation and Future Prospects (Crivelli P.)
    5. Dissemination of Official Labour Market Statistics in the United Kingdom (Fenwick G.)
    6. Dissemination Directions in Statistics Canada (Podehi M.)
    7. Variable Selection in the Researcher System OEPP and Governmental Use (Onishi H.)
    8. Some Techniques to Control Disclosure Risk (Borra S., Crescenzi F.)
    9. Knowledge Reduction and Integration in Probabilistic Expert Systems (Geng Z., Asano C., Ichimura M., Kimura H., Guo J., Gong M.)
    10. Integrating Sources of Statistical Information: a Case Study (D'Angiolini G., Garofalo G.)
  • Vol. 6, Number 2
    No. 2 (1994)

    1. Some Scenario Analyses for HIV Epidemic (Rossi C., Abundo M.)
    2. A New Representation Method of Asymmetric Proximities (Costanzo G. D.) - in Italian
    3. Samplig Dependent Spatial Units: a Combinatorial Optimization Approach (Benedetti R., Palma D.) - in Italian
    4. Parameter Design for the Production of Unleaded Petrol (Giovagnoli A., Merola G.)
    5. Direct and Reverse Regression: Problems of Calibration and Legal Applications (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 6, Number 1
    No. 1 (1994)

    1. The Industrial Production Cycle in Some OECD Countries (Barangona R., Carlucci F.) - in Italian
    2. Mathematical Models for Biomedical Applications. Before Use, Please, Read Carefully Instructions (Rossi C.) - in Italian
    3. Remarks on: Mathematical Models for Biomedical Applications. Before Use, Please, Read Carefully Instructions (Carla Rossi) (Capasso V.) - in Italian
    4. Status and Usefulness of Models (Scalia Tomba G.) - in Italian
    5. Mathematical Models on HIV Diffusion (Musicco A.) - in Italian
    6. Empirical Models for and Predictability of AIDS (Verdecchia A.) - in Italian
    7. Mathematical Models and Predictions of HIV Epidemic: Evidence-Based Analysis and Uncertainty Measurement (Arcà M.) - in Italian
    8. Issues and Methods for AIDS Latency Time Estimation (Mariotto A. B.) - in Italian
    9. Final Comments (Rossi C.) - in Italian
    10. METWAY: a Computer Programme for Two-Way Stratification with Fixed Sample Size (Rinaldelli C.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 5, Number 4
    No. 4 (1993)

    1. A Second Bibliography on the Teaching of Statistics in the Biological, Medical and Health Sciences (Kurshid A., Sahai H.)
    2. ISTAT Surveys on University Populations: Critical Issues and Definitions (Romano M. F.) - in Italian
    3. STATREE: an Expert System to Choose the Statistical Method for Data Analysis Through a PC (Capiluppi C., Fabbris L., Giancotti G., Meneghello A. M.) - in Italian
    4. A Unifield Framework for Conditional Binomial Models: the Beta-Binomial Altham's and the Markov-Like Susceptibility Models (Correa M. L., Braga M., Marubini E.)
  • Vol. 5, Number 3
    No. 3 (1993)

    1. Some Methods to generate Bidimensional Stochastic Processes (Benedetti R., Espa G.) - in Italian
    2. A Semi-Parametric Bootstrap Method (Gambini A.) - in Italian
    3. Sequential Tests for the Scale Parameter of the 4-Parameter Generalized Gamma Distribution (Iuculano G., Catelani M., Zanobi A.)
    4. A Second Bibliography on Estimation and Testing Procedures for Non-Normal Samples (Khurshid A., Sahai H.)
    5. Expected Value of the Reciprocal of a Random Variable (Duca G.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 5, Number 2
    No. 2 (1993)

    1. Optimization Issues in Wald's Sequential Test (the Binomial Case) (Gambini A.) - in Italian
    2. Empirical Performances of Some Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Weibull and Type 1 Extreme Value Distributions (Alpini R., Fattorini L.)
    3. Optimized Ratio-of-Uniforms Method for Generating Exponential Power Variates (Barabesi L.)
    4. Fuzzy Analysis of Social Emergency in Sicilian Communes (Andolina P.) - in Italian
    5. More on Definition and Computation of p-Value (Bertolino F.) - in Italian
    6. Conditions for Bootstrapping to be Preferred to Minimum Variance Unbiased-Estimation (Fassò A.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 5, Number 1
    No. 1 (1993)

    1. Fitting Response Curves for Timing Follow-Ups in Mail Surveys (D'Agostini A., Fabbris L.)
    2. A Proposal for Choosing Variables in a Fuzzy Similarity Analysis (Andolina P.) - in Italian
    3. Acquired Resistence in Tumor Cell Population. Simulation and Parameter Estimation (Schinaia G., Rossi C., Pesce M., Rubiu O., Gentile F. P., Benassi M.)
    4. Sample Size Computation in Survival Studies (Bonacina N., Mariani L., Marubini E.) - in Italian
    5. STATLIB archive: a New Access for Europe (Galmacci G.) - in Italian
    6. Urn Model and Probability Axioms (De Cristofaro R.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 4, Number 4
    No. 4 (1992)

    1. Standard Linear Multidimensional Techniques in Estimating Subsystem Structural Parameters (Leoni R., Gallo G. M.)
    2. Simultaneous Components Analysis (Ten Berge J. M. F., Kiers H. A. L., Van der Stel V.)
    3. Multiplicative Models for Genotype-Environment Interaction in Plant Breeding (Van Eeuwijk F. A.)
    4. The Methodological Inpact of Non Linear Analysis (Coppi R., Di Ciaccio A.)
    5. Knot Fuzzy Selection in Fuzzy Non Linear Multivariate Analysis (Van Rijckevorsel J. L. A., De Leeuw J.)
    6. Stepwise Variable Selection in Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (Pynnonen S.)
    7. Non Simmetrical Correspondence Analysis: a Non Linear Approach (Verde R.)
    8. Three Approaches to Study the Departure from Quasi-Independence (Van der Heijden P. G. M.)
    9. Reduced-Rank Models for Dependence Analysis of Contingency Tables (Siciliano R.)
    10. Diagnostic for Multiple Contingency Tables (Andersen E. B.)
    11. Non Symmetrical Exploratory Data Analysis (D'Ambra L., Lauro N. C.)
    12. Redundancy Analysis for Various Type of Variables (Israels A. Z.)
    13. On Stability in Non Symmetrical Correspondance Analysis Using Bootstrap (Balbi S.)
    14. On the Omogeneity Criterion for Determinig Whether Categories of Categorical Variables Could Be Combined (Castiglioni M., Della Zuanna G.)
    15. An Application of Non Linear Redundancy Analysis (Van der Burg E., Dijksterhuis G.)
    16. Multidimensional Scaling in Regression (Ter Braak C. J. F.)
    17. Multidimensional Scaling and Correspondence Analysis for Square Tables (Bove G.)
    18. Simultaneous Clustering of Qualitative and Quantitative Data with Missing Observations (Di Ciaccio A.)
    19. Interpretation of Stress in Non Metric Multidimensional Scaling (Cox M. A. A., Cox T. F.)
    20. Three-Mode Component Models. A Survey of Literature (Kroonenberg P. M.)
    21. Relations between Sets of Variates of a Tree-Way Data Set (Rizzi A., Vichi M.)
    22. Special Vec for a Diagonal Form of a Group of Matrices (Amato V.)
    23. Tuckals Core Rotations and Constrained Truckals Modelling (Kiers H. A. L.)
    24. Three-Factor Interaction Models by Long-Trilinear Terms in Three-Way Contingency Tables (Mooijart A.)
    25. Some Observations on Similarity and Lack of Duality in Interstructure-Compromise-Intrastructure Analysis (Pastore A.)
    26. Scalar Product and Synthesis of S-Matrices (Rocci R.)
    27. On The Space-Time Interaction Modles to Analyse Environmental Systems in Data and Frequencies Domains (Coli M.)
    28. Analysis of Longitudinal Time-Dependent Data in Behavioral Science: Dutch Contributions (Oud J. H. L., Bijleveld C. J. H.)
    29. Multivariate Intervention Analysis (Aczel A. D.)
    30. Predictable Linear Combinations from Categorical Time Series (Van Buuren S.)
    31. Algorithms for the Estimation of Flows in Spatial Interaction Models: a Comparison to Check Isomorphism (Scimone A.)
    32. Analyzing Categorical Longitudinal Data Using Marginal Homogeneity Models (Hagenaars J. A.)
  • Vol. 4, Number 3
    No. 3 (1992)

    1. Parametric Hypothesis Testing through a Multi-Poisson-Bernoulli Model (Ferrari P.) - in Italian
    2. Binary Decision Trees Approach to Classification: a Review of CART and Other Methods with Some Applications to Real Data (Pallara A.)
    3. Analysis of Contigency Tables with Dependent Data (Mariani L., Petraccione A., Marubini E.) - in Italian
    4. A Survey of Econometric Tests (Bodo G., Parigi G., Sciamplicotti L., Siviero S.) - in Italian
    5. A Single General Formula for The Exact Partitioning of Chi-Square Value in a r x c Contingency Table (Ridomi A.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 4, Number 2
    No. 2 (1992)

    1. Critical Review of Ridge Regression (Moller F., Zanolla L.) - in Italian
    2. Maximum Likelihood and Lp Normal Estimators (Agrò G.)
    3. MathematicaTM: an Environment for Developing Statistics (Matrone L.) - in Italian
    4. Issues on Life Trials for Exponential Failure Times and II Type Censored Samples (Caroti Ghelli F.) - in Italian
    5. Size and Power of Follow-Up Studies (Duca P.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 4, Number 1
    No. 1 (1992)

    1. Convergence to Normality of a Studentized Ratio (Milito A. M.) - in Italian
    2. On Tale with a Moral, Or How to Reject the Use of Reliable Information (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
    3. Comments on a Reader's Letter (Cifarelli D. M.) - in Italian
    4. The Use of Counter Factual Exaples in Foundation's Debate (Piccinato L.) - in Italian
    5. What Do These Counter Factual Exaples Show? (Di Bacco M.) - in Italian
    6. Who Has Said that We Are Bound to Decide? Orthodoxy and Reform in Statistical Inference Foundations (Costantini D.) - in Italian
    7. Reflecting on a Meeting on Statistical Inference (Pesarin F.) - in Italian
    8. A discussion Issue (Frosini B. V.) - in Italian
    9. The ISTAT's Database System (Gaggiotti M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 3, Number 4
    No. 4 (1991)

    1. On a Problematic Research on Accidents in a Productive Environment (Ferreri C.) - in Italian
    2. On Some Preference Criteria in Statistical Quality Control (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
    3. The Energetic Content of a Windmill: Models and Inferential Methods (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
    4. On Sequential Sample Designs with Unilateral Protection in Statistical Testing (Iacobini A.) - in Italian
    5. Multivariate Extension of the Equation-Error Control Model (Boari G.) - in Italian
    6. System Identification and Rupture Diagnostic: a Case Study (Fassò A.)
    7. Tool Subsitution Policy in a Controlled Production Environment (Galante G.,Lombardo A.) - in Italian
    8. Surveillance Limits and Efficiency of Control Charts by Variables (Guseo R., Panizzon G.) - in Italian
    9. Bayesian Estimation of the Outgoing Quality Distribution through Poisson Acceptance Sampling (Pistone G., Rogatin M. P.) - in Italian
    10. Non-Recursive Smoothing for Barlow-Ivory Control Chart Additive Model: An Algorithm and a Simulation (Repetto I., Simicich P.) - in Italian
    11. Design Reliability (Vicario G.) - in Italian
    12. Reliable Management of a FMS: Bayesian Estimates with Censored Small Samples (Erto P., Lanzotti A.) - in Italian
    13. Statistical Methods for Filtering Estimates of Rains with Weather Radars (Iuculano G., Catelani M.) - in Italian
    14. On the Relation between Wald's Sequential Tests and the Cusum Control Charts for Sample Means: Correcting a Wrong Interpretation (Zanella A.)
    15. Statistical Inference for Survival Analysis under Censoring and Truncation (Ahmad R., Bell C. B.)
    16. The Reliability of a Linear System and Its Connection with the Generalized Birthday Problem (Kounias S., Sfakianakis M.)
    17. Techniques for Estimating Cost Savings Obtainable by Using a Different Supplier of Telephone Services (Peterson M. M.)
    18. On Some Applications of Conditionality Principle (Frosini B. V.)
    19. Some Multidimensional Testing Problems with Missing Value by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
    20. Semiparametric Combinations of Dependent Tests Using Latin Hypercube Resampling (Pallini A.)
    21. A New Bayesian Sequential Procedure: Application to a Composite Hypothesis Testing for a Normal Mean (Ongaro A.) - in Italian
    22. On the Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters of the Beta-Binomial Family (Bertoli Barsotti L., Paroli R.)
    23. Approximate Median Unbiased Estimators for the Weibull Distribution (Pace L., Salvan A.)
    24. Cramér-von Mises Minimum Variance Estimators for Censored Data (Masarotto G.) - in Italian
    25. Guseo R. D-Optimality and Multivariate Linear Regression, the Homoscedastic Case (Guseo R.)
    26. A Comparison of Identifiability Conditions for Multivariate Linear Models in Armax and State Space Representations (Deldossi L.)
    27. A Statistical Analysis of the Italian Stock Market (Zappa D.)
  • Vol. 3, Number 3
    No. 3 (1991)

    1. A Markovian Model to Fit a Buffer Managed with Priority Rules (Agliari A., Diligenti M., Zavanella L.) - in Italian
    2. Evaluation of the SET Method for the Statistical-Epidemiological Surveillance of Rare Health Events (Marchi M., Rossi G.) - in Italian
    3. Non-Parametric Bootstrapping and Error Distribution in Econometric Models (Monti A. C) - in Italian
    4. ERICA: a Computer Programme for Computing Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors in Surveys with Post-Enumeration Interview and Interpenetration of Interviewer Assignments (Dulli S., Fabbris L., Me A.) - in Italian
    5. Co-Graduation Tables for Computing the Concentration Index Z(p) (Zenga M.) - in Italian
    6. The Geometric Interpretation of the Correlation Ratio (Leoni R.)
  • Vol. 3, Number 2
    No. 2 (1991)

    1. Predictive Inference and Statistical Thermodynamics (Garibaldi U., Penco M. A.) - in Italian
    2. Growth Models of Mytilus Galloprovincialis Lamark on the Mar Grande and on the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Southern Italy) (Posa D., Tursi A.)
    3. Three-Index Matrices and Their Synthetic Reperesentation (Pieri L., Vichi M.) - in Italian
    4. Functional Testing the Independence Hypothesis between Two Variables (Taroni G.) - in Italian
    5. Path Analysis in Interdependent Models (Gallo G. M.) - in Italian
    6. Where Do Our Words Come From? (Prisco R.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 3, Number 1
    No. 1 (1991)

    1. Posteriors Indicators for the Evaluation of Residual Lots in Statistical Control by Attributes (Zanella A., Maggi A.) - in Italian
    2. Choice of Regression Model in Fitting the Frequency of Early Graft Occlusion after Coronary Bypass: Critical Considerations (Braga M., Petroccione A., Montoro C., Marubini E.)
    3. The Statistical Database Market in Italy (Lauro N. C., Quintano C., Scippacercola S., Verde R.) - in Italian
    4. On Applicability Conditions of the Central Limit Theorem for Finite Populations (Gambini A.) - in Italian
    5. Is There a Physical Limit to a Cell Life? Reliability of Repair Mechanism and Cell Survival (Rossi C.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 2, Number 4
    No. 4 (1990)

    1. A Pratical Application of the Patel-Kenward Analysis of Covariance to Data from Antidepressant Trial with Drop-Outs (Heyting A., Essers J. G. A., Tolboom J. T. B. M.)
    2. Case-Finding Strategies for Studying Rare Chronic Diseases (Anderson D. W., Kalton G.)
    3. Theory and Application of Attribute Risk Estimation in Cross-Sectional Studies (Gefeller O.)
    4. Statistical Methods in the Construction of Pharmacological Reference Ranges and Their Use in the Identification of Adverse Drug Reactions (Lawrence C. J., Trewin V. F.)
    5. Analyzing Laboratory Data as Safety Data in Clinical Trials (Kriastiansen S.)
    6. Scenario Analysis in Pubblic Health and Competing Risks (Vrieze O. J., Kuipers J., Boas G.)
    7. Multidimensional Testing for Mixed Variables by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
  • Vol. 2, Number 3
    No. 3 (1990)

    1. Statistical Methods for Warranty Testing of Apparatuses (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
    2. Location Point Search of Two Regression Functions to Detect the Flexion of Cardiac Frequency with Variable Speed (Calderoni G., Rogantin M. P., Piastra G.) - in Italian
    3. Bayesian Decomposition of Finite Mixtures: a Comparison of Different Algorithms (Peruzzi F., Rossi C.)
    4. A New Consistent Estimator of the Differentiation Level of an ARIMA Process and the Identification of Non-Stationary Condition (Boari G.) - in Italian
    5. The Partial Regression Matrix (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
    6. Asymptotic Distribution of Eigenvalues and Statistical Tests in non Symmetric Correspondence Analysis (Siciliano R.)
  • Vol. 2, Number 2
    No. 2 (1990)

    1. A Stochastic Approach to Study the Natural History of Cirrhosis (Morabito A., Valsecchi M. G., D'Amico G.)
    2. Data Clustering for Bayesian Sequential Testing (Caroti-Ghelli F.) - in Italian
    3. A partition Type Method for Clustering Mixed Data (Chiodi M.)
    4. Indirect Estimation of Economic Series with Accounting Constraints (Di Fonzo T.) - in Italian
    5. On the Concept of Efficiency in Multi-Parametric Analysis (Leoni R.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 2, Number 1
    No. 1 (1990)

    1. Duration Data Analysis in Social Sciences: Methodology and an Application to Unemployment Duration Data (Torelli N.) - in Italian
    2. Estimation of Parameters for Triallel Crosses Compared in Bolck Designs (Ceranka B., Chudzik H., Dobek A., Kielczewska H.)
    3. Missing Information and Confounding in Retrospective Studies: Statistical Methods and an Example of Data Analysis (Ciampi A., Franceschi S., Franchin G., Thiffault J., Crivellari D., Tumulo S., Bassignano G.)
    4. On the Maximum Likelihood and Least-Squares Estimation in the Inverse Weibull Distribution (Calabria R., Pulcini B.)
    5. Best Linear Unbiased Estimators for the Parameters of the Logistic Distribution Using Order Statistics (Barabesi L.)
  • Vol. 1, Number 4
    No. 4 (1989)

    1. The Role of Probability Theory in Artificial Intelligence Models of Diagnostic Reasoning (Giani U.)
    2. Stochastic Networks and Artificial Intelligence (Berzuini C.) - in Italian
    3. Expert Systems: a Supporting Tool for Statisticians (Falcitelli G., Ricci F. L.) - in Italian
    4. Comparison between Concentration Curves Z(p) and L(p) in Dagum's Models (Dancelli L.) - in Italian
    5. Where Should We Start from While Teaching Statistics? (Corradi F., Lombardo E.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 1, Number 3
    No. 3 (1989)

    1. On the Existence of Distributions of maximum Entropy with Assigned Moments (Tagliani A.)
    2. On the Concentrative Regression Method (Grassini L.)
    3. Pseudo-linear estimation of multivariate ARMA models (Grillenzoni C.) - in Italian
    4. Estimation of brood female rabbits as inferable from the Third Agriculture Census (Moller F., Grazzani R.) - in Italian
    5. Survey on labour forces: Evaluation of Umbria sample design (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
    6. The BMPDC for biomedical data analysis (Gallo C.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 1, Number 2
    No. 2 (1989)

    1. Genesis, Properties and Identification of an Inverse Weibull Survival Model (Erto P.) - in Italian
    2. Productive Capacity of Italian Industry and Its Use in Early Eighties: Testing a New Utilization Method (Signorini F. L.) - in Italian
    3. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Stochastic Function for Censored Data (Colombi R.) - in Italian
    4. A Conditional Simulation for the Point Space Process Analysis (Maniero A.) - in Italian
    5. Teaching Statistics in Italy: Problems and Prospectives (Zuliani A.)
    6. Statistics and Probability in Textbooks for Junior High Schools in France and Italy (Fabbris L.)
  • Vol. 1, Number 1
    No. 1 (1989)

    1. Exploratory Methods and Modelling for Contingency Tables Analysis: an Integrated Approach (Lauro N. C., Siciliano R.) Grouping Multinomial Object According to Minimal within-Group Variability (Siatkowski I., Krajewski P.) The Estimation of DNA in Cancerous Tissues: Comparison of Two Methods (Belcastro A., Costantini D., Drago E., Nicolò G.) - in Italian GAUSS: a Privileged Language for Statistical Analysis (Piccolo D.) - in Italian An Application of GAUSS Computer Language for Estimating Distributed-Lag Models (Monti A. C.) - in Italian Is It Appropriate to Teach That the Variance of a Proportion is p(1-p)/n? (Duca P.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 21, Number 4
    No. 4 (1988)

    1. A Note on the "Best" Estimator of Within Stratum Variability (Giaimo R., Milito A.M.) - in Italian
    2. A New Distribution of Extreme Values to Control the Phlegrean Bradyseism: an Application to the "Hot" Period from October 1983 to March 1984 (Erto P.) - in Italian
    3. A Parallel "Reliability Model with Variable Stress (on the Surviving Component) (Chiesa S.) - in Italian
    4. Sample Size for Repeated Measures Design in Controlled Clinical Trials (Cesana B.M.)
    5. Application of Bayesian Classification ti Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus in an Epidemiologic Survey Carried out in Pantelleria Island (Rossi C.) - in Italian
    6. Square Concordance Tables in Health Data Analysis (Bellini P., Lovison G.)
    7. Dictionary Systems of Statistical Data (Vinciguerra F.) - in Italian
    8. The Joint Distribution of Sample Mean and Variance if the Distribution is Normal: an Alternative Proof Based on Induction (Pace L.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 21, Number 3
    No. 3 (1988)

    1. Robust Methods in Discriminant Analysis (Krusinska E.)
    2. Three-Dimensional Spatial Data Analysis for Irregularly Locations: an Application to Salinity Measures Made in the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (Posa D.)
    3. Sampling Designs for Acceptance Optimum with Respect to Joint Filter and Incentive Effects (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
    4. On the Possibility that a Reliability Model with "Stand-By" can be Assimilated to a "Parallel" Model (Chiesa S.) - in Italian
    5. Estimating the Income Shares of a Grouped Frequency Distribution of Incomes (Tarsitano A.)
    6. Misclassifications and Biases in Surveys (Romano M.F., Marchi M.) - in Italian
    7. Considerations on a Staging Process for Chronic Diseases (Serio G., Morabito A.)
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