Archives - Page 6

  • Vol. 21, Number 2
    No. 2 (1988)

    1. Classification of Death Probability for Cardio-Vascular Diseases with Principal Component Analysis (Tonini G.) - in Italian
    2. Sample Size Determination in Epidemiologic Surveys: The Relative Prevention (Marchi M., Romano M.F.) - in Italian
    3. Notes on an Estimator of the Location Parameter for a Three-Parameter Weibull Density Function (Cacciari M.) - in Italian
    4. The Technique of Randomized Responses in Exhaustive Surveys (Olivieri D.) - in Italian
    5. Testing the Guarantee Conditions Through Polynomial Functions: Theoretical Aspects and a Simulations Study (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
    6. Quality Testing Via Group Sequential Sampling from a Finite Population (Caroti Ghelli F.) - in Italian
    7. A Programme for Group Sequential Quality Testing in Finite Population Studies (Caroti Ghelli F.) - in Italian
    8. Confidence Limits of Rates and Proportions if Zero Events Occurred (Duca P.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 21, Number 1
    No. 1 (1988)

    1. Regression Analysis with the Beta-Binomial Distribution (Forcina A., Franconi L.)
    2. Identification, Estimation and Analysis of the Deterministic and Stochastic Components in Time Series (Vitale C.) - in Italian
    3. Robustness Testing of Student's t-Test for Samples Drawn from Mixture Variables (Nicolini G.) - in Italian
    4. A Method for Ranking a Set of Statistical Units (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
    5. Expected Wet Period after Rainfalls (Sapountzis C.)
    6. Analogies, Examples and Proofs for Teaching Biostatistics (Duca P.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 20, Number 4
    No. 4 (1987)

    1. Analysis of a Triangolar Diallel table Experiment in a BIB Design - A Mixed Model (Ceranka B., Mejza S.)
    2. A Procedure to Studying the Approximation of Probabilistic Distributions: the Case of Binomial Distribution (Ghilardi G.) - in Italian
    3. The Power of X2 Test Related to the Class Partition Method (Nicolini G.) - in Italian
    4. Coping with Collinearities Using Prior Estimates of Regression Coefficients (Mantel N.)
    5. Implementation of Psychiatric Reform: A Survey on Pharmacologic Treatments in a Diagnosis and Therapy Service (De Bellis L., Degli Esposti M., Mineide C., Rossi C.) - in Italian
    6. Models of graphic representation of time series of rates (Cislaghi C.) - in Italian
    7. Age, Period and Cohort Models: Review of Knowledge and Implementation in GLIM (Decarli A., La Vecchia C.)
    8. Age, Period and Birth Cohort Variations. A BASIC Program to Compute Standardized Indices from Disease Rates (La Rosa F., Saltalamacchia G.)
  • Vol. 20, Number 3
    No. 3 (1987)

    1. The Unknow Rewiever: an Espression of Policy and Gratitude (Feinstein A.R., Spitzer W.O.)
    2. Heteroskedasticity in the Accelerated Duration Model (Brannas K., Laitila T.)
    3. Parametric Models in the Analysis of Survival Data and the Generalized F Family (Ciampi A.)
    4. Along-Term Survival Analysis in Mammal Carcinoma (Mezzanotte G., Borracchi P., Marubini E., Valagussa P.) - in Italian
    5. Anticipatory Series and Phase Function (Baragona R.) - in Italian
    6. Exact and Approximate Means and Covariances of Ordered Statistics of the
    7. Standardized Extreme Value Distribution (First type) (Provasi C.) - in Italian
    8. Notes on Variance of the Standardized Mortality Ratio (Duca P.) - in Italian
    9. Sir Francis Galton and the Regression of Statures (Frosini B.V.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 20, Number 2
    No. 2 (1987)

    1. Estimation of the Demand Functions of Common or Fine Wine through Longitudinal Data (Gios G., Vernizzi A.) - in Italian
    2. Mixed Models for Analysis of Variance: Problems from Testing the Spherical Shape Assumption (Chiarotti F.) - in Italian
    3. Una applicazione della pseudodensità all'interpretazione di alcuni metodi non bayesian- Application of Pseudo-Density for the Interpretation of Some Bayesian Methods (Barigelli B., Orlandoni R.) - in Italian
    4. The Diagnostic Control Phase in Dynamic Econometric Analysis (Giannini C., Aleati A.) - in Italian
    5. COMPSTAT '86: a Meeting Point for Statisticians and Computer Science People (Marbach G.) - in Italian
    6. Advertisement and Cultural Models: A Study of Advertisements on Computers Based on Correspondence Analysis and Lexical Factorial Analysis (Lauro N. , Herrmann P.) - in Italian
    7. Paradoxes or Enigmas of Conditional Probability? (Lombardo E.) - in Italian
    8. Planned Surveys: Keep Caution in Using them (Marubini E.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 20, Number 1
    No. 1 (1987)

  • Vol. 19, Number 4
    No. 4 (1986)

    1. Qualitative Methods in Marketing Research (Scott W.G.) - in Italian
    2. Territorial Aspects in Marketing Research (Ponti Sgargi A.) - in Italian
    3. Statistical Tools for Strategic Planning of Credit Companies (Santamaria L.) - in Italian
    4. Decomposition of Time Series through Linear Dynamic Models (Mazzali A.) - in Italian
    5. A Computer Programme for Statistical Aspects of Stock Data (Metelka L.) - in Italian
    6. Two-Stage Procedures for Stopping a Controlled Clinical Trial (Bossi A., Marubini E.) - in Italian
    7. A Variant of the Mean Absolute Difference (Frosini B.V.) - in Italian
    8. Notes on Linear Regression (De Floriani W.) - in Italian
    9. The Italian Survey on Family Structures and Behaviours (Roveri L., Russo A.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 19, Number 3
    No. 3 (1986)

    1. Statistics in Production Systems: Current Status and Perspectives (Zanella A.) - in Italian
    2. Sequential Control by Attributes when Batches are Small (Panizzon G.) - in Italian
    3. Statistical Quality Control Procedures with Suspended Inspection. The (j,k) Criterion (Corradetti R.) - in Italian
    4. Procedures for Testing Guarantee Conditions Expressed by Efficiency Functions (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
    5. A New Criterion for Simple Sampling by Attributes (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
    6. Notes on a Procedure of Cumulative Sums to Controlling the Average of a Production Process (Iacobini A.) - in Italian
    7. A Distribution Analysis with a Polynomial Spoil Rate (Salvan A.) - in Italian
    8. Testing Exponential Versus Censored Pareto Distributions (Pace L.) - in Italian
    9. Some Outcomes of Shapiro-Brain Test's Analysis (Diana G.) - in Italian
    10. Focusing on the Control Model with Equation Error and Closed Circuit: Theoretical Aspects (Zanella A., Boari G., Guseo R.) - in Italian
    11. Focusing on the Control Model with Equation Error and Closed Circuit: Results of a Simulation (Guseo R., Boari G., Paroli R.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 19, Number 2
    No. 2 (1986)

    1. Genetic Distances between Populations (Camussi A., Ottaviano E.) - in Italian
    2. Interpretation and Decomposition of the Concentration Index (Grassini L.) - in Italian
    3. Notes on Linear Fitting without Intercept and on a New Fitting Criterion (Prisco R.) - in Italian
    4. Genstat Meta-Language and Multidimensional Analysis: A Programme for non-Symmetric Correspondence Analysis (Lauro N, D'Ambra L., Calvaruso A.) - in Italian
    5. Estimation of the Standard Deviation of a Normal Distribution (Frosini B.V.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 19, Number 1
    No. 1 (1986)

    1. Procedures for Generating Pseudo-Random Numbers from a Normal Distribution of Order p (p>1) (Chiodi M.)
    2. Considerations on the Behavior of Hepatitis A in Bari by the Time Series Analysis (Serio G.)
    3. Real Dynamic Indices of Life Cost: an Application to Italian Conditions During the Seventies (Cannari L.) - in Italian
    4. Computer Assisted Data Recording in Plant Breeding Programmes: a case of cereal (Martiniello P., Delogu G.)
    5. Bias and Optimal Criteria for Variance Estimation of a Normal Distribution (Frosini B.V.) - in Italian
    6. Point and Interval Estimation of the Maximum Value of a Discrete Uniform Distribution between 1 and N (Duca P., Braga M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 18, Number 4
    No. 4 (1985)

    1. A New Criterion for the Choice of Seed Points for a Nearest Centroid Cluster Analysis (Mineo A.)
    2. On a Flexible and Computationally Feasible Clustering Technique (Vichi M.)
    3. De-Seasoning Time Series: A Perspective and a Proposal (Battaglia F.) - in Italian
    4. BASIC Program for Cluster Analysis in Numerical Taxonomy (La Rosa F.)
    5. Pick the Winner: an Easy Extension (Marubini E., Bossi A.)
    6. A Note on Deviance Decomposition within a Multiple Linear Regression Model without Intercept (Leoni R.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 18, Number 3
    No. 3 (1985)

    1. On Orderings of Concentration and Variability (Frosini B.V.) - in Italian
    2. Another Concentration Index Based on Ratio Between Income Quantiles and Population Quantiles (Zenga M.) - in Italian
    3. Income Concentration and Distribution (Guarini R) - in Italian
    4. Concentration and Distribution of Income in Italy Stemming from the Bank of Italy's Survey Data on Family Budgets (Pirrotta R.A.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 18, Number 2
    No. 2 (1985)

    1. Path Analysis of Aggregated Data: Some Interpretation Problems (Gallo G.M., Chiandotto B.) - in Italian
    2. Bootstrap Method: an Application to Space Configuration of Points (Meneghini F.) - in Italian
    3. The Monstrous Regiment of Mathematicians (Pearce S.C.)
    4. Processing and Interpretation Problems of the Relationship Between a Random Variable and its Time Variability (Duca P., Braga M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 18, Number 1
    No. 1 (1985)

    1. Bayesian Comparison of Two Proportions (Latorre G.)
    2. Stability problems of a model for investment analysis (Bassetti A., Della Casa C.) - in Italian
    3. Minimum Expected Loss and Minimum Likelihood Estimators of the Return Period in the First Asymptotic Distribution (Bacchelli B., Di Natale M.)
  • Vol. 17, Number 4
    No. 4 (1984)

    1. Medical doctors' forecasting: The French example (M. Roland Pressat) - in French
    2. Ppswor Sampling from Finite Populations: a Regression Approach to Estimation (Andreatta G.)
    3. Parameter estimation of homographic functions via empirical linearization (Paolinelli E., Piantanelli L.) - in Italian
    4. Programmes for mortality analysis: Standardization methods (Romano M.F., Vigotti M.A., Rossi G., Marchi M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 17, Number 3
    No. 3 (1984)

    1. Accuracy of Provisional Estimates of Added Value (Marliani G.) - in Italian
    2. An R.R. Model with Fixed Alternative Response and Memory (Olivieri D., Bressan F.) - in Italian
    3. A Bayesian Analysis of Two-Dimensional Contingency Tables (Mascioli F.) - in Italian
    4. Structural Interdependency and Income Distribution (Bottiroli Civardi M.) - in Italian
    5. A Programme for ARMA Model Representation (Corduas M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 17, Number 2
    No. 2 (1984)

    1. Revision Effects on Model Building with Time Series of Industrial Production Indices (Bordignon S.) - in Italian
    2. A New Procedure for Seasonal Time Series Decomposition (Mazzali A.) - in Italian
    3. Bayesian Inference for Change Point Problems (Muliere P., Scarsini M.)
    4. Minors of the Asymptotic Power of a Test Based on Maximum Standard Absolute Deviation from a Multinomial (Brentari E.) - in Italian
    5. Significance of the Difference between two Correlated Samples (Talini N., Vettori F.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 17, Number 1
    No. 1 (1984)

    1. Canonical Analysis and Forecasting Capacity of Multivariate Processes (Piccolo D.) - in Italian
    2. A Probabilistic Model of Human Social Behaviour (Nicolini G.) - in Italian
    3. On Stability Testing of Parameters of the Linear Regression Model (Viviani A.) - in Italian
    4. Analysis of Occurrence Times of Recurrent Events in Biomedicine (Valsecchi M.G.) - in Italian
    5. Notes on Functional Hypothesis Testing with Estimated Parameters (Carbognin L., Taroni G.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 16, Number 4
    No. 4 (1983)

    1. Tensional Means (Amato V.) - in Italian
    2. Effects of Contact Mode and Questionnaire Response Time on the Obtained Responses in a Mail Survey (Fabbris L.) - in Italian
    3. A Test for a Complex Functional Hypothesis with Particular Reference to Normality Analysis (Pace L.) - in Italian
    4. Covariance Analysis with Multiple between-Group Comparisons: A Programme for Minicomputers (Tirone F.) - in Italian
    5. Programmes for Running Statistical Analysis in Five Experimental Designs on Minicomputers (Martiniello P.)
  • Vol. 16, Number 3
    No. 3 (1983)

    1. On Indistinguishable ARMA Processes that Are Characterised by an Equal Number of Parameters and Compatibility with an Assigned Variance (Zanella A.) - in Italian
    2. Statistical Testing of Functional Hypotheses with Estimated Parameters and an Application to High Tides in Venice (Taroni G., Carbognin L.) - in Italian
    3. Analysis of a Simulation Code through the Response Surface Method (Calvi Parisetti C., Canali S., Olivi L.) - in Italian
    4. Class Extremes and Sample Size of a Time Varying Population (Lalla M.) - in Italian
  • Vol. 16, Number 2
    No. 2 (1983)

    1. Computational Problems for Maximum-likelihood Estimation of Negative Binomial Parameters (Provasi C.) - in Italian
    2. Stability Analysis of the Phillips Curve with Observed Inflation Expetations (1962-1979) (Giovannini E.) - in Italian
    3. Homogeneity or Concentration Indexes: An Empirical Analysis of Their Distribution and Mutual Relationships (Drago E.) - in Italian
    4. Decision via Exclusion (Mattar S.G., Pederzoli G.) - in French
    5. Statistical Test computation for the Analysis of Frequencies in a 2x2 Table (Ballatori E., Cecconi G.) - in Italian
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    Lebart L (2023)
    Statistica Applicata Italian Journal of Applied Statistics 30(3)

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