No. 1 (2018): Vol. 30, Number 1

Cover Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, vol. 30, 1, 2018
  1. Editorial
  2. Galois lattice and positional dominance (Mircea, M., Pfeffer, J.)
  3. Multiple imputation for longitudinal network data (Krause, R.W., Huisman, M., Snijders, T.A.B.)
  4. Multilevel models for personal networks: methods and applications (Vacca, R.)
  5. Estimating the size of regional innovation network through a capture-recapture approach (Pelle, E., De Stefano, D., Zaccarin, S.)
  6. A methodological approach to investigate interactive dynamics in innovative socio-economic complex systems (Righi, R.)
  7. Inter-firm networks in Naples before and after Italian political unification. A network analysis perspective (Primerano, I., Caiazzo, F., Giordano, G., Schisani, M.C., Vitale, M.P.)
Published: 2019-12-04

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