No. 2 (2004): Vol. 16, Number 2
- Recurrence Analysis of Cutaneos Epiteliomas (Canal L., Micciolo R., Boi S., Cristofolini M.)
- Coverage Evaluation of the Exact Confidence Intervals of the Difference between Two Unpaired proportions: a pragmatic approach (Cesana B. M.)
- Bayes' Models in the Diabetic Complications (Colagrande V., Di Nicola M., Di Mascio R., Capani F., Schioppa F., Ballone E.) - in Italian
- Uses and Abuses of the "Gail" Model for Projecting Absolute Breast Cancer Risk (Gail M. H.)
- Assessment of the Diagnosis of Depression by Graphological Analysis (Lorusso L., Cazzoletti L., Bertolini g., Citterio A., Conficoni I., Dander C., et al.)
- Riflessioni sugli aspetti etici delle sperimentazioni controllate (Marubini E.)
- Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Mortality Associated to the Central Nervous System Disease in Piedmont, Italy (1992-1997) (Migliaretti G., Maule M. M., Bellini S.) - in Italian
- Time-Dependent Roc Curves in Genetically Determinated Subgroups (Morabito A., Morenghi E., Ferraroni M., Radaelli G., Macciardi F.)
- Hierarchical Frequentist and Bayesian Modelling for Evalutating Socio-Economic and Geographic Differences in Health in a Urban Setting (Petrelli A., Demaria M., Marinacci C., Gnavi R., Costa G.)
- Appropriateness of Hospital Stays in Elderly Patiens (Zucchetto A., Franzo A., Fabbris L., Dal Maso L., Vicario G.)