No. 2 (2004): Vol. 16, Number 2

  1. Recurrence Analysis of Cutaneos Epiteliomas (Canal L., Micciolo R., Boi S., Cristofolini M.)
  2. Coverage Evaluation of the Exact Confidence Intervals of the Difference between Two Unpaired proportions: a pragmatic approach (Cesana B. M.)
  3. Bayes' Models in the Diabetic Complications (Colagrande V., Di Nicola M., Di Mascio R., Capani F., Schioppa F., Ballone E.) - in Italian
  4. Uses and Abuses of the "Gail" Model for Projecting Absolute Breast Cancer Risk (Gail M. H.)
  5. Assessment of the Diagnosis of Depression by Graphological Analysis (Lorusso L., Cazzoletti L., Bertolini g., Citterio A., Conficoni I., Dander C., et al.)
  6. Riflessioni sugli aspetti etici delle sperimentazioni controllate (Marubini E.)
  7. Bayesian Methods in the Analysis of Mortality Associated to the Central Nervous System Disease in Piedmont, Italy (1992-1997) (Migliaretti G., Maule M. M., Bellini S.) - in Italian
  8. Time-Dependent Roc Curves in Genetically Determinated Subgroups (Morabito A., Morenghi E., Ferraroni M., Radaelli G., Macciardi F.)
  9. Hierarchical Frequentist and Bayesian Modelling for Evalutating Socio-Economic and Geographic Differences in Health in a Urban Setting (Petrelli A., Demaria M., Marinacci C., Gnavi R., Costa G.)
  10. Appropriateness of Hospital Stays in Elderly Patiens (Zucchetto A., Franzo A., Fabbris L., Dal Maso L., Vicario G.)
Published: 2020-11-17