No. 1 (2000): Vol. 12, Number 1

  1. Constrained Principal Components Analysis with External Information (Amenta P., D'Ambra L.)
  2. Identification of Long Range Dependence in Telecommunication Netwoks (De Giovanni L., Naldi M.)
  3. Uniformly Most Powerful Tests for "Composite" Alternative Hypotheses on Unknown Parameters (Marasini D.) in Italian
  4. Bootstrapping Unequal Probability Samples (Mecatti F.)
  5. Measuring Unequal Distribution of Resources and Functionings in Non-Market
  6. Household Production: with Application to an Italian Sample (Pavone A.)
  7. Cokriging Estimation a Linear Model of Coregionalization (Posa D.) - in Italian
  8. Estimation of a Population Size by Capture Recapture Heterogeneity Models: an Application to a Closed Population of Firms with Two Dependent Captures (Pratesi M.)
  9. The Impact of Different Effect Size Definitions on Sample Size for Comparing Two Proportions (Reina G., Cesana B. M., Marubini E.)
Published: 2020-11-17