No. 3 (2000): Vol. 12, Number 3

  1. A Cohort Analysis of Mortuality Trends in Italy (Di Pino A.) - in Italian
  2. A Simulation Study for the Evalution of the seasonal Adjustment and Forecasting Performances of the TESS System (Giordano F., Niglio M., Storti G.)
  3. Use of PLS Path Modeling to Estimate the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) Model (Bayol M. P., de la Foye A., Tellier C., Tenenhaus M.)
  4. Small Sample Estimation Problem with Box-Cox Trasformation: Application to Tea Quality Data (Pal M., Paul S. K.)
  5. A Declarative Approach to Data Validation of Statistical Data Sets, Based on Metadata (Petrakos G. A., Farmakis G. E.)
  6. A Filter Function Algorithm for the Detection of Solid Objects in Noisy Images (Luan J., Stander J., Wright D.)
Published: 2020-11-17