No. 3 (2000): Vol. 12, Number 3
- A Cohort Analysis of Mortuality Trends in Italy (Di Pino A.) - in Italian
- A Simulation Study for the Evalution of the seasonal Adjustment and Forecasting Performances of the TESS System (Giordano F., Niglio M., Storti G.)
- Use of PLS Path Modeling to Estimate the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) Model (Bayol M. P., de la Foye A., Tellier C., Tenenhaus M.)
- Small Sample Estimation Problem with Box-Cox Trasformation: Application to Tea Quality Data (Pal M., Paul S. K.)
- A Declarative Approach to Data Validation of Statistical Data Sets, Based on Metadata (Petrakos G. A., Farmakis G. E.)
- A Filter Function Algorithm for the Detection of Solid Objects in Noisy Images (Luan J., Stander J., Wright D.)