No. 4 (1999): Vol. 11, Number 4
- Latent Class Models for Varying Catchability and Correlation among Sources in Capture-Recapture Estimation of the Size of a Human Popolation (Biggeri A., Stanghellini E., Merletti F., Marchi M.)
- Multilevel Data Analysis with Hierarchical Linear Models (Ojeda M. M., Sahai H., Juarez-Cerrillo S. F.)
- Classification in Clinical Data Early Interpretation (Biasini L., Fucci C., Marignetti N., Pomini M. V.) - in Italian
- Alternative Models for Time Series if Stock Returns (Schoier G.)
- Association and Efficiency in the Multivariate Logit Models for Small Samples (Domma F.) - in Italian
- The Degrees of Freedom Criterion for Fractional Factorial Plans with N=16,32 and 64 Runs (Furlan P., Salmaso L.) - in Italian
- A Note on the Existence and Uniqueness of the Neyman-Pearson Test (Ferrari P. A.)