No. 2 (1998): Vol. 10, Number 2
- Probability of Identification of Statistical Units in Hierarchical and Longitudinal Surveys (Benedetti R., Franconi L., Piersimoni F.) - in Italian
- Small Area Estimation Methods in the Context of ISTAT Business Surveys (Falorsi S., Russo A.) - in Italian
- Method for Small Area Estimation at Sub-Regional Level in Saple Surveys on Households Conducted by the National Institute of Statistics of Italy (Falorsi P. D., Falorsi S., Russo A.) - in Italian
- Enterprises' Longitudinal Modifications and the Impact on Net Changes Estimation (Gismondi R.) - in Italian
- The Outlier Localization Based on the Use of the Hidiroglou and Berthelot Function (Luzi O.) - in Italian
- A Generalised Software to Calculate Weights and Sampling Errors (Falorsi S., Rinaldelli C.) - in Italian
- Principles and Methods of Generalized Software to Define Sample Planning for Business Survey (Falorsi P. D., Ballin M., De Vitiis C., Scepi G.) - in Italian
- A Statistical Indicator for Microdata Quality Control (Galante Badaloni G., Anitori P.) - in Italian
- Analysis of Discrepancies and Balancing Procedure of Yearly Economic Accounts to Define Margins of Error Attached to the Aggregates. An Application to Italian National Accounts (Puggioni A.) - in Italian
- ISTATEL Project and Innovations in Data Collection and Data Editing Phases in Vital Statistics on Marriages (Manzari A., Marsiglia D., Prati S., Venturi M.) - in Italian
- The Probabilistic Data Editing: the Joint Treatment of Systematic and Stochastic Errors by Means of the Application of Bayes Theorem to the Fellegi-Holt Methodology (Barcaroli G.) - in Italian
- Recording of Interest in the Context of Excessive Deficit Procedure (Scafuri E.) - in Italian