No. 4 (1998): Vol. 10, Number 4
- Collected Papers on Longitudinal Analyses for Socio-Economic Transition (Bernardi L., Carbonaro G., Ghellini G.)
- Longitudinal Approaches for Living Condition Analysis: the Case Study of Italy in the First Half of the '90s Via Pseudo-Panel Data (Lemmi A.)
- A Database for Analyzing the Bank Of Italy's Survey of Household Income and Wealth in the Period 1989-95 (Quintano C., Castellano R., Romano A. A.)
- Unemployment, Living Conditions and Longitudinal Data: Some Remarks Arising from the Papers by Bernardi & Schizzerotto and Lemmi (Rose D.)
- Panel and Pseudo Panel Techniques for Living Conditions Analysis Following a Fuzzy Approach (Betti G., Cheli B.)
- Labour Market Dynamics from the ECHP Data (Pannuzi N., Regoli A.)
- Proper Multiple Imputation: an Application on BHPS (Neri L.)
- Statistical Models and Neural Networks (Rizzi A.) - in Italian
- Markow-Switching Models for the Italian Industrial Production Index: a Critical Analysis (Zuccolotto P.) - in Italian