No. 3 (2023): Vol. 35, Number 3, Supplement

					View No. 3 (2023): Vol. 35, Number 3, Supplement

This volume includes a selection of the papers presented at the ASA (Association for Applied Statistics) scientific conference held in Bologna from 6 to 8 September 2024. The volume keeps the title of the meeting “Statistics, Technology and Data Science for Economic and Social Development”.

This volume was annexed as a supplement of the volume 35-3 (2023) of the scientific journal Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics. Scholars can freely download the articles in an open access format, with the only obligation to cite the paper, possibly as follows:

Author(s) (Year). Paper title. In L. Fabbris, S. Mignani, G. Tassinari (eds) , Technology and Data Science for Economic and Social Development. Book of Short Papers of the ASA Bologna Conference. Padua: Cleup (pages).
  • Predictive modelling of length of domestic stays in Italy: A comparative study of machine learning techniques
    Antolini, F., Cesarini, S.
  • Multivariate permutation-based ranking: An application to college basketball data
    Arboretti, R., Biasetton, N., Ceccato, R., Corain, L., Vezzosi, G.
  • Volatile compounds of traditional Bagnolese Pecorino cheese
    Balivo, A., Fabbris, L., Piscitelli, A., Piccolo, A., De Filippis, F., Genovese, A.
  • Participation rates in direct official business surveys: trends and solutions for sustainability
    Bellini, G., Monetti, F., Papa, P.
  • Exploring the gender gap: A preliminary analysis of inclusivity in Italian life sciences industries
    Benedan, L., Colapinto, C., Mariani, P., Pagani, L., Zenga M.
  • The quality adjusted labour productivity indicator (QALI): The Italian case
    Birardi, D., Serbassi, L., Tartamella, F.
  • Testing the effectiveness of public policy interventions on the adoption of 4.0 technologies: The permutation approach
    Bonnini, S., Borghesi, M.
  • The new preventive alert mechanism in the Italian Crisis Code: A statistical approach for predictive insolvency analysis
    Brentari, E., Ermici, G., Zanetti, A.
  • Road accidents in Italy: New indicators, at province level, based on geographic information system open data
    Broccoli, M., Bruzzone, S.
  • Testing the implications of a different approach for estimating capital input on the computation of productivity measures
    Brunaccini, F., Fimiani, C., Regano, A.
  • Compiling sub-national spatial price indices using scanner data and traditional data sources
    Brunetti, A., Di Franco, A., Dramis, B., Laureti, T., Polidoro, F., Zanoli, A.
  • The role of STEAM disciplines and metaverse for the targets of the UN 2030 Agenda
    Calciano, M.V., Verderame, A., Sinitò, D.C., Ruoto, A., Usai, F., Stasi, F., Scintu, D., Santarcangelo, V., Sabino, M.
  • Combining real-time spatial Delphi judgments and artificial intelligence for the development of future scenarios
    Calleo, Y., Di Zio, S., Pilla, F.
  • On the measurement of cognitive interdisciplinarity with OpenAlex’s concepts
    Cantone, G.G., Tomaselli, V., Nightingale, P.
  • How is the use of AI perceived in a classroom environment?
    Cataldo, R., Grassia, M.G., Marino, M., Simonacci, V.
  • The analysis of the informal economy at the province level through cash usage indicators from the Aggregate Anti-Money Laundering Reports
    Cavalli, L., Iezzi, S., Renzi, N.
  • Dealing with index numbers of ratios. A case study with short-term unit labour cost indicators
    Ciammola, A., Cimino, E., Tuzi, D.
  • Informal old adult care provision and caregivers’ health status in Italy
    Cisotto, E., Cavrini, G., De Rose, A.
  • Artificial intelligence and sustainability
    D’Alcantara, A., Drago, F., Lamacchia, A., Setzu, G., Gargano, G., Montesano, N., Giacalone, M., Romano, A.
  • A composite index to assess the complexity of environmental consciousness: Empirical evidence from European consumers
    D’Attoma, I., Ieva, M.
  • The Italian NEETs from the economic crisis to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of the channels used to find a job
    De Luca, G., Mazzocchi, P., Pizzolante, F., Rocca, A., Quintano, C.
  • Public opinion and textual data analysis: Towards an automatic framing approach
    De Mascellis, A.M., Misuraca, M.
  • Bioimpedance data analysis to identify electrical frequencies relevant for monitoring fruit ripeness
    Di Lascio, F.M.L., Ibba, P., Perazzini, S., Petti, L.
  • Coping strategies and perception of the after-pandemic future of Italians
    d’Ovidio, F.D., D’Uggento, A.M., Di Zio, S., Fabbris, L.
  • Impact of global turmoil days on the G7 stock markets during the Covid-19 pandemic and Russian-Ukrainian war
    Duttilo, P., Di Battista, T., Gattone, S.A.
  • Comparing parametric and nonparametric models: An application to university students’ rental prices
    Farnè, M., Grimaccia, E., Sonnati, A.
  • E-invoicing as essential administrative source for the future of official business statistics: The case of short term statistics
    Filiberti, S., Amato, G., Orsini, D., Bruno, G., Rapiti, F.M.
  • The estimate of consumption of fixed capital and stock of vehicles in Italian national accounts
    Forestieri, P., Santoro, P.
  • Introducing a new algorithm for weighted triadic census: An application to passing network
    Ievoli, R., Palazzo, L., Rondinelli, R., Ragozini, G.
  • Assessing the impact of green technology innovation, environmental tax and natural resources towards ecological sustainability in OECD countries: The role of digitalization
    Javed, A., Rapposelli, A.
  • The organizational well-being inside Italian academic institutions measured through the ANAC questionnaire
    Leoni, S., Bertaccini, B., Petrucci, A.
  • Economic consequences of COVID-19 and war in the utilities industry: How price increase affects customers
    Liberati, G., Corsini, M.
  • Inflation effects on the Italian household living conditions at the time of SARS-Cov2
    Marini, C., Nicolardi, V.
  • Labour between languages, memories, services and innovation: A new perspective for highlighting migrants’ skills to host communities
    Martelli, C., Salvatori, M.F., Kahlawi, A.
  • Frailty, activity participation, and welfare: An analysis using SHARE data
    Miglio, R., Puglisi, C., Rettaroli, R., Roli, G., Scalone, F.
  • Translation and validation of the Italian version of the academic entitlement questionnaire (AEQ) and learning orientation – grade orientation scale (LOGO II)
    Nieli, M., Di Zio, S., Fontanella, L., Berti, C.
  • Efficiency of Italian courts: Insights from stochastic frontier analysis
    Nissi, E., Sarra, A., Evangelista, A., Di Battista, T.
  • Do early freshmen graduate earlier than late ones? Enrolment promptness as an indicator of academic success
    Novarese, M., Chirico, P., Di Giovinazzo, V.
  • How direct business official surveys change following the availability of new sources and new technologies
    Papa, P., Bosso, P., Curatolo, S.
  • Health differences across population subgroups: Exploring inequalities through bibliometric techniques
    Paterno, A., García, M.G., Pereiro, T., Mazza, R.
  • Analysis of urban dynamics and tourists’ behaviour using functional data clustering
    Perazzini, S., Metulini, R., Carpita, M.
  • The dynamics of collaboration between researchers of the Italian Institute of Technology: An ERGM approach
    Preti, S., di Bella, E.
  • Investigating the link between teachers’ burnout and technology through the network psychometrics analysis: A survey of educators from diverse schools and grade level
    Sarra, A., Fontanella, L., Pentucci, M., Cioci, G., Esposito, I.
  • Scientific abstracts analysis to uncover Ukrainian- Russian war insights: A text mining-based approach
    Scarso, L., Novelli, M., Violante, F.S.
  • Youth and science: A randomized survey experiment on adolescents’ trust in scientific institutions
    Sestini, E., Muscillo, A., Lombardi, G., Garbin, F., Pin, P.
  • Critical issues in the delivery of information letters to the households of the population census in Italy: A data-driven approach to territorial monitoring
    Succi, R., Nuccitelli, A.
  • The essential elicitation set for approximating a multi-attribute utility function in agronomy: A Gaussian process approach
    Susi, F.G., Valleggi, L., Micheletti, A., Stefanini, F.M.
  • The actual effect of the Sars-Cov-2 vaccine in Italy and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità’s erroneous evaluation of it
    Tozzi, M.
  • New public management: Performance analyses of Italian justice court
    Verde, R., Grassia, M.G., Mazziotta, M., Mazza, R., Paesano, S.
  • New scenarios for measuring household deprivation in sub-municipal areas
    Biasciucci, F., Carbonetti, G., Ferrara, R., Mazziotta, M., Quondamstefano, V.
  • Sustainability consciousness and well-being: Results from an Italian survey
    Bacci, S., Bertaccini, B., Pettini, A.
Published: 2024-07-27