No. 3 (2012): Vol. 24, Number 3
- Summary
- Editorial
- Demographic structure and spatially contiguous areas in Tuscany (Benassi, F., Naccarato, A.)
- Churn prediction in telecommunications industry. A study based on bagging classifiers (Canale, A., Lunardon, N.)
- How the science of geo-marketing helps strategic decision-making in a context of information redundancy (Di Nisio, R., Di Battista, T.)
- Public geomarketing: georeferencing IRT models to support public decision (Di Zio, S., Fontanella, L.)
- A comparison between the geostatistical potential model and the discrete choice logit models in the estimation of spatial market potentials (Finazzi, F.)
- The impact of the economic crisis for Italian exporting sectors: a spatial-statistics analysis (Boselli, C., Truglia, F. G., Zeli, A.)