No. 4 (1991): Vol. 3, Number 4

  1. On a Problematic Research on Accidents in a Productive Environment (Ferreri C.) - in Italian
  2. On Some Preference Criteria in Statistical Quality Control (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
  3. The Energetic Content of a Windmill: Models and Inferential Methods (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
  4. On Sequential Sample Designs with Unilateral Protection in Statistical Testing (Iacobini A.) - in Italian
  5. Multivariate Extension of the Equation-Error Control Model (Boari G.) - in Italian
  6. System Identification and Rupture Diagnostic: a Case Study (Fassò A.)
  7. Tool Subsitution Policy in a Controlled Production Environment (Galante G.,Lombardo A.) - in Italian
  8. Surveillance Limits and Efficiency of Control Charts by Variables (Guseo R., Panizzon G.) - in Italian
  9. Bayesian Estimation of the Outgoing Quality Distribution through Poisson Acceptance Sampling (Pistone G., Rogatin M. P.) - in Italian
  10. Non-Recursive Smoothing for Barlow-Ivory Control Chart Additive Model: An Algorithm and a Simulation (Repetto I., Simicich P.) - in Italian
  11. Design Reliability (Vicario G.) - in Italian
  12. Reliable Management of a FMS: Bayesian Estimates with Censored Small Samples (Erto P., Lanzotti A.) - in Italian
  13. Statistical Methods for Filtering Estimates of Rains with Weather Radars (Iuculano G., Catelani M.) - in Italian
  14. On the Relation between Wald's Sequential Tests and the Cusum Control Charts for Sample Means: Correcting a Wrong Interpretation (Zanella A.)
  15. Statistical Inference for Survival Analysis under Censoring and Truncation (Ahmad R., Bell C. B.)
  16. The Reliability of a Linear System and Its Connection with the Generalized Birthday Problem (Kounias S., Sfakianakis M.)
  17. Techniques for Estimating Cost Savings Obtainable by Using a Different Supplier of Telephone Services (Peterson M. M.)
  18. On Some Applications of Conditionality Principle (Frosini B. V.)
  19. Some Multidimensional Testing Problems with Missing Value by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
  20. Semiparametric Combinations of Dependent Tests Using Latin Hypercube Resampling (Pallini A.)
  21. A New Bayesian Sequential Procedure: Application to a Composite Hypothesis Testing for a Normal Mean (Ongaro A.) - in Italian
  22. On the Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters of the Beta-Binomial Family (Bertoli Barsotti L., Paroli R.)
  23. Approximate Median Unbiased Estimators for the Weibull Distribution (Pace L., Salvan A.)
  24. Cramér-von Mises Minimum Variance Estimators for Censored Data (Masarotto G.) - in Italian
  25. Guseo R. D-Optimality and Multivariate Linear Regression, the Homoscedastic Case (Guseo R.)
  26. A Comparison of Identifiability Conditions for Multivariate Linear Models in Armax and State Space Representations (Deldossi L.)
  27. A Statistical Analysis of the Italian Stock Market (Zappa D.)
Published: 2020-11-17