No. 4 (1991): Vol. 3, Number 4
- On a Problematic Research on Accidents in a Productive Environment (Ferreri C.) - in Italian
- On Some Preference Criteria in Statistical Quality Control (Vedaldi R.) - in Italian
- The Energetic Content of a Windmill: Models and Inferential Methods (Magagnoli U.) - in Italian
- On Sequential Sample Designs with Unilateral Protection in Statistical Testing (Iacobini A.) - in Italian
- Multivariate Extension of the Equation-Error Control Model (Boari G.) - in Italian
- System Identification and Rupture Diagnostic: a Case Study (Fassò A.)
- Tool Subsitution Policy in a Controlled Production Environment (Galante G.,Lombardo A.) - in Italian
- Surveillance Limits and Efficiency of Control Charts by Variables (Guseo R., Panizzon G.) - in Italian
- Bayesian Estimation of the Outgoing Quality Distribution through Poisson Acceptance Sampling (Pistone G., Rogatin M. P.) - in Italian
- Non-Recursive Smoothing for Barlow-Ivory Control Chart Additive Model: An Algorithm and a Simulation (Repetto I., Simicich P.) - in Italian
- Design Reliability (Vicario G.) - in Italian
- Reliable Management of a FMS: Bayesian Estimates with Censored Small Samples (Erto P., Lanzotti A.) - in Italian
- Statistical Methods for Filtering Estimates of Rains with Weather Radars (Iuculano G., Catelani M.) - in Italian
- On the Relation between Wald's Sequential Tests and the Cusum Control Charts for Sample Means: Correcting a Wrong Interpretation (Zanella A.)
- Statistical Inference for Survival Analysis under Censoring and Truncation (Ahmad R., Bell C. B.)
- The Reliability of a Linear System and Its Connection with the Generalized Birthday Problem (Kounias S., Sfakianakis M.)
- Techniques for Estimating Cost Savings Obtainable by Using a Different Supplier of Telephone Services (Peterson M. M.)
- On Some Applications of Conditionality Principle (Frosini B. V.)
- Some Multidimensional Testing Problems with Missing Value by Resampling Procedures (Pesarin F.)
- Semiparametric Combinations of Dependent Tests Using Latin Hypercube Resampling (Pallini A.)
- A New Bayesian Sequential Procedure: Application to a Composite Hypothesis Testing for a Normal Mean (Ongaro A.) - in Italian
- On the Maximum Likelihood Estimates of the Parameters of the Beta-Binomial Family (Bertoli Barsotti L., Paroli R.)
- Approximate Median Unbiased Estimators for the Weibull Distribution (Pace L., Salvan A.)
- Cramér-von Mises Minimum Variance Estimators for Censored Data (Masarotto G.) - in Italian
- Guseo R. D-Optimality and Multivariate Linear Regression, the Homoscedastic Case (Guseo R.)
- A Comparison of Identifiability Conditions for Multivariate Linear Models in Armax and State Space Representations (Deldossi L.)
- A Statistical Analysis of the Italian Stock Market (Zappa D.)