No. 2 (1993): Vol. 5, Number 2
- Optimization Issues in Wald's Sequential Test (the Binomial Case) (Gambini A.) - in Italian
- Empirical Performances of Some Goodness-of-Fit Tests for the Weibull and Type 1 Extreme Value Distributions (Alpini R., Fattorini L.)
- Optimized Ratio-of-Uniforms Method for Generating Exponential Power Variates (Barabesi L.)
- Fuzzy Analysis of Social Emergency in Sicilian Communes (Andolina P.) - in Italian
- More on Definition and Computation of p-Value (Bertolino F.) - in Italian
- Conditions for Bootstrapping to be Preferred to Minimum Variance Unbiased-Estimation (Fassò A.) - in Italian