No. 1 (1996): Vol. 8, Number 1
- Molecular and Biomedic Approaches for the Study of Human Evolution (Cavalli-Sforza L.) - in Italian
- Generalized Linear Models: Checking Assumptions and Strengthening Conclusions (Breslow N. E.)
- Instrumental Variable Estimation and Estimating Functions (Liang K. Y., Rhode C. A., Hanfeldt J.)
- Ecological Applications of Generalized Linear Models and Quasi-Likelihood Methods an Overwiev (Kaur A., Gregori D., Patil G. P., Taillie C.)
- Projecting the AIDS Epidemic in England and Wales: a Bayesian Approach (Gilks W. R., De Angelis D.)
- Biometrical Modelling in Mapping Quantitative Trait Genes by Using Genetic Markers (Jansen R. C.)
- Uncertainty Analysis in Agricoltural Applications of Dinamic and Regression Models (Danuso F.) - in Italian
- The Role of Age, Susceptible Population and Competitive Non-AIDS Mortality on Backcalculation Estimates of Hiv infection (Verdecchia A., Gross P.) - in Italian
- Evaluating Home Care Models for AIDS Patients (Rossi C., Schinaia S., De Angelis V.) - in Italian
- On the Treatment Effect Estimate in Stratified Clinical Trials with Unbalanced Data (Grigoletto F., Masiero S.) - in Italian
- Selection Effects in Clinical Trials (Ballatori E.) - in Italian
- Uncertainty and Resource Exploitation: Exploration Based on Qualitative Modelling (Bodini A.)
- Recursive Estimation Procedures of Space-Time Varying Parameters (Coli M.)
- Methodological Aspects of an Ecological Study on Association between Two Biological Indicators (Cislaghi C., Braga M., Nimis P. L.)
- Modeling and Managing European eels of the Valli di Comacchio Lagoons (De Leo G., Gatto M.)
- Relationship between Incidence and Mortality in Non-Reversible Diseases (Capocaccia R., Seeber A. C.) - in Italian
- Longitudinal Analysis of Psychiatric Data Using a Case Register (Micciolo R., Canal L.)
- Abundance of Different Species and Surname Distributions: from Statistical Model to Genetic Information (Zei G., Lisa A., Fiorani O., Guglielmino C. R.) - in Italian
- Methodological Aspects in Spatial Analysis of Genetic Structure in Italian Populations of Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) (Leonardi S., Menozzi P.) - in Italian
- The Familial Aggregation of Asthma (Boccuzzo G.) - in Italian
- A Hierarchical Model to Identify Prognostic Factors in Survival Analysis (Giudici P.)
- Some Notes on Small Sample Behavior of GEE (Gregori D., Carmeci G.)
- The Association between Risk of Disease and Point Sources of Pollution: a Test for Case-Control Data (Lagazio C., Marchi M., Biggeri A.)