No. 1 (1996): Vol. 8, Number 1

  1. Molecular and Biomedic Approaches for the Study of Human Evolution (Cavalli-Sforza L.) - in Italian
  2. Generalized Linear Models: Checking Assumptions and Strengthening Conclusions (Breslow N. E.)
  3. Instrumental Variable Estimation and Estimating Functions (Liang K. Y., Rhode C. A., Hanfeldt J.)
  4. Ecological Applications of Generalized Linear Models and Quasi-Likelihood Methods an Overwiev (Kaur A., Gregori D., Patil G. P., Taillie C.)
  5. Projecting the AIDS Epidemic in England and Wales: a Bayesian Approach (Gilks W. R., De Angelis D.)
  6. Biometrical Modelling in Mapping Quantitative Trait Genes by Using Genetic Markers (Jansen R. C.)
  7. Uncertainty Analysis in Agricoltural Applications of Dinamic and Regression Models (Danuso F.) - in Italian
  8. The Role of Age, Susceptible Population and Competitive Non-AIDS Mortality on Backcalculation Estimates of Hiv infection (Verdecchia A., Gross P.) - in Italian
  9. Evaluating Home Care Models for AIDS Patients (Rossi C., Schinaia S., De Angelis V.) - in Italian
  10. On the Treatment Effect Estimate in Stratified Clinical Trials with Unbalanced Data (Grigoletto F., Masiero S.) - in Italian
  11. Selection Effects in Clinical Trials (Ballatori E.) - in Italian
  12. Uncertainty and Resource Exploitation: Exploration Based on Qualitative Modelling (Bodini A.)
  13. Recursive Estimation Procedures of Space-Time Varying Parameters (Coli M.)
  14. Methodological Aspects of an Ecological Study on Association between Two Biological Indicators (Cislaghi C., Braga M., Nimis P. L.)
  15. Modeling and Managing European eels of the Valli di Comacchio Lagoons (De Leo G., Gatto M.)
  16. Relationship between Incidence and Mortality in Non-Reversible Diseases (Capocaccia R., Seeber A. C.) - in Italian
  17. Longitudinal Analysis of Psychiatric Data Using a Case Register (Micciolo R., Canal L.)
  18. Abundance of Different Species and Surname Distributions: from Statistical Model to Genetic Information (Zei G., Lisa A., Fiorani O., Guglielmino C. R.) - in Italian
  19. Methodological Aspects in Spatial Analysis of Genetic Structure in Italian Populations of Beech (Fagus Sylvatica L.) (Leonardi S., Menozzi P.) - in Italian
  20. The Familial Aggregation of Asthma (Boccuzzo G.) - in Italian
  21. A Hierarchical Model to Identify Prognostic Factors in Survival Analysis (Giudici P.)
  22. Some Notes on Small Sample Behavior of GEE (Gregori D., Carmeci G.)
  23. The Association between Risk of Disease and Point Sources of Pollution: a Test for Case-Control Data (Lagazio C., Marchi M., Biggeri A.)
Published: 2020-11-17